Monday, September 23, 2024

Dan, I Allegedly, "Attention Kmart Shoppers - The End of an Era?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, 9/23/24
"Attention Kmart Shoppers - The End of an Era?"
"They are all closing. “Attention Kmart shoppers”, the retail giant we all grew up with is closing its doors, leaving only a Miami mini-store standing. Remember those childhood trips for jeans and shoes? It's all fading away. But what does this mean for other iconic brands? Are Macy's and others next to fall? In today's fractured economy, brand loyalty has vanished, and we're seeing an alarming shift in consumer behavior."
Comments here:


  1. It's all fading away.

    In a Lot more elements of our society and culture than just frikken K-Mart..

  2. Indeed it is fading away, Justin, into an absolutely total economic, financial and societal collapse which will degenerate rapidly into chaos and war, world wide. We could discuss the reasons and consequences for hours, but there's no point. As the great Mogambo Guru, said, "We're so frickin' doomed!" Doomed in every conceivable way, too, and there's no escape, no one will be spared, and countless millions will die. That's out fate. But it's not today, we have here and now, make it as good as you can, for yourself and those around you, savor the moments...

  3. I do! I'm Fighting Back against things and doing my best to enjoy being alive. Almost70 , I'va Kawasaki 450 Eliminator and I ride the snot outta that thing.

  4. Good for you, Justin! I'm 73 now, and I've always fought back in my own way with this blog, attempting to inform others enough to be a small influence in making their lives better. It's Teddy Roosevelt's advice, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." This blog is what I could do, what I had, where I was, giving back to the world in the hope of making it even a little bit better. If it helped even one person it was worth it. Now get out there and ride!
