Sunday, July 7, 2024

Greg Hunter, "Pandemics, Financial Collapse, War & Terrorism Designed to Overwhelm"

"Pandemics, Financial Collapse, 
War & Terrorism Designed to Overwhelm"
by Greg Hunter’s

"Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle describes the evil demons of the Bible we are up against. He lays it out in a mind-blowing new DVD called “Earth in the Crosshairs.” Quayle contends, “The interdimensional Gates of Hell have opened, and the world is under attack by Satan and his demons.” How else could everything in the world go terribly wrong all at once?

There is war and military conflict in multiple places, a new Bird Flu pandemic brewing, terrorists and illegals are flooding across the southern US border and a little talked about financial meltdown that Quayle says is going to catch the vast majority off guard when it implodes. Quayle points out, “This is Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” You simply overwhelm the target with accusations and so many problems that you could be ‘Ricochet Rabit’ and try to duck everything coming, but you can’t duck it all, especially when it is all dumped on you at once. Again, this is Saul Alinsky, and the idea is to overwhelm the target. Hillary Clinton wrote one of her college papers on Alinsky. Now, you see this with the Obama nation of desolation. That’s what I call him. You see the entire taking over of communities. Look at all these Democrat prosecutors and mayors, and look at the absolute fraud that has been initiated against everybody. Anti-abortion people are praying and going to prison. Look at Donald Trump and all these false charges. Their entire reason for doing this is to bring total destruction to America.”

On the economic front, Quayle says, “This is a heavy responsibility for people to understand, and bank bail-ins are coming. We have so many banks on the problem list or the ‘watch list.’ Even Fed Chairman Powell said, ‘our debt is unsustainable.’ For the first time, all IRS revenue cannot cover the interest on the debt, which is $1.5 trillion. That’s trillion with a ‘T.’ Banks are desperate, and what I am seeing is people who have had full access to their money are being prohibited from wiring money out. A lot of people do not realize this, but banks now have the right, if they get into trouble, to bail themselves out with your funds.” Quayle’s sources say that both Japan and Germany are facing huge financial trouble right now, and either of them could start a daisy chain of financial implosion around the world at any time.

Quayle also brought up news about the construction of FEMA type camps popping up around the country. Quayle says they are not holding centers, they are extermination centers. There is much more in the 62-minute in-depth interview."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble who goes one-on-one with 
Steve Quayle as he talks about his new DVD called “Earth in the Crosshairs”.
The religiously based assertions and beliefs expressed by Hunter 
and Quayle are presented for your consideration. Believe what you will...

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