Sunday, June 2, 2024

"What’s Coming Is Worse Than A Housing Market Crash"

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Economy Vision, 6/2/24
"What’s Coming Is Worse Than A Housing Market Crash"

"Imagine that you’ve just purchased a lovely $500,000 home - a basic three-bedroom, two-bathroom house at fair market value. The normal thing anyone would do is calculate the appreciation of that house in about 5, 10, 20 years. But right now, it's scary to talk about the future of a new property that may be worth less in a matter of months. This has become a concern, and even though it hasn't entirely stopped people from buying their dream property, it has caused a lot of fear.

A housing market collapse doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a slow and painful process. For instance, in 2008, the market's peak was in the first quarter of 2007, and it didn't hit rock bottom until the first quarter of 2009. So, you’re not just going to wake up one morning and find the value of your house has suddenly plummeted. It’s a slow, agonizing decline over a year or more."
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