Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Comment

Moody Blues, "Don't You Feel Small?"

"See the world, ask what it's for,
Understanding, nothing more.."

A comment: I'm quite aware this blog's content has progressively turned into a virtual chamber of horrors - devastating economic and social collapse, governmental corruption and loss of civil liberties, wars and very possible nuclear war which we cannot and will not "win", exploding poverty, drug epidemics, police state surveillance, and on and on - one disaster or horror after another - everything's going to Hell in a hand-basket and it's as clearly displayed here as I can make it. The world's a complex place, so the articles are lengthy of necessity. Not by choice - I'd much rather focus on other, better things, or be doing something else, but take a glance at the main-stream liars and propagandists, you won't see any of these things covered truthfully there, just more of the sensationalistic garbage and pure propaganda from all those cheaply bought low-life money whores. I've always believed you CAN handle the truth, given the chance to know it. Of course you can find truth, or the best version of it, elsewhere on many sites, if you know where to look, and I hope you're doing that. I can only speak to what you'll find here. 

Please, don't come here expecting all sweetness and light, you'll be rudely disappointed. Anymore the blog article selection is really a threat-analysis and prioritization process, in hopes of keeping you informed about what's really happening behind the smoke screens and lies, and alerting you to imminent crises. We've run out of time, hence the sense of urgency. These things are upon us, they're here now, and you have an absolute right to know and understand how and why it's all happening as it is. That knowing may help you prepare, help you deal more effectively with things you can change, and inevitable changes we can do nothing about. But we will NOT go down without a fight! So, apologies for the sometimes grim article content, but that's real life, just how it really is, whether any of us like it or not. Stay informed, stay aware, and stay strong, always, never give up, and most of all thanks for stopping by!
- CP

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