Tuesday, May 28, 2024

"Russian Missiles, Training To Capture Israeli Soldiers: Hezbollah 'Prepares' For Long War"

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Hindustan Times, 5/28/24
"Russian Missiles, Training To Capture Israeli Soldiers:
 Hezbollah 'Prepares' For Long War"
Comments here:

According to Col. Doug Macgregor Hezbollah's arsenal of rockets, missiles, and drones is estimated at over 200,000. They also have massive artillery resources. It has over 100,000 extremely well-trained and equipped professional soldiers, battle hardened by 10 years of fighting in the Syrian civil war. If Israel demands war the Israeli Occupation Force will be obliterated and Tel Aviv will look like Gaza after 30,000 missiles rain down on it. Inshallah! So be it... - CP

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