Thursday, May 16, 2024

"Mass Mental Illness Exploding Across Western Civilization"

"Mass Mental Illness Exploding Across Western Civilization:
 Transgenderism, Climate Cultism And More"
by Mike Adams

"Western civilization is increasingly being defined by the mass mental illness now sweeping across society. Some people believe they need to cut off their genitals to be "normal," and others think they will merge with the machines to become immortal cyborgs. Some people believe in climate cultism, and others are obedience compliance worshipers who go crazy trying to comply with every crazy demand placed upon them by governments or corporations. As a result of all this mental illness, our society is crumbling, and there's nobody in any real position of power who is both mentally stable and also capable of turning this situation around. Like Rome, America is falling, and as it happens, things will get even crazier from here forward."
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