Monday, May 13, 2024

"In 219 days, 35,034 killed, 78,755 injured by 'Israel' in Gaza"

"In 219 days, 35,034 killed,
78,755 injured by 'Israel' in Gaza"
by Al Mayadeen

"The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced on Wednesday that the number of Palestinians killed in the ongoing Israeli genocide in the Strip since October 7 has now reached 35,034, with 78,755 injured as the war marks its 219th day. The Ministry also reported that the Israeli occupation carried out eight massacres against families in the past 24 hours in the Strip, killing 63 people and injuring 114.

Thousands of victims of the aggression remain trapped under the rubble and roads remain inaccessible to ambulance and civil defense crews, as the occupation continues to prevent rescue teams from reaching them, the ministry added.

In this context, the Ministry confirmed the death of 500 medical staff and 138 nurses as a result of the Israeli bombing of the Strip so far, calling on the international community to protect medical teams and healthcare institutions in Gaza, and to press for the opening of the crossings to bring medical aid into the Strip.

Earlier this week, the Government Media Office in Gaza said that the Israeli occupation has committed 3,094 massacres during the ongoing genocidal war on Gaza, resulting in a toll of 44,844 martyrs and missing persons. The number of children killed by the occupation has reached 15,002, the office said, adding that 30 others died due to the famine brought on by the Israeli siege and blockade.

With the ongoing Israeli invasion of Rafah launched on Monday, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) stated that approximately 300,000 people have been forcibly displaced from the city of over 1.3 million residents, emphasizing the lack of safe havens within the Strip.

In conjunction with the Israeli ground offensive on Rafah, the Israeli occupation army announced launching a new operation targeting areas across northern Gaza, due to failure in "eliminating" the Resistance there despite seven months of a brutal war unprecedented in recent history.

Al Mayadeen's correspondent reported on Sunday that occupation vehicles are advancing eastward from the Jabalia camp towards al-Sikka Street, extending to Mazaya Street amid heavy confrontations with Resistance fighters. Additionally, vehicles are stationed west of Mazaya Street in the Riad al-Salheen area. He also noted that the Israeli incursion into the northern regions was accompanied by intense artillery fire, along with support from helicopters and Quadcopter drones.

In Jabalia, the re-intensified Israeli aggression forced the displacement of thousands of Palestinians, now looking for shelter among the rubble of destroyed schools and any standing facility."
"Truth is incontrovertible, ignorance can deride it, 
panic may resent it, malice may destroy it, but there it is."
- Winston Churchill
A Comment: Are you proud, Americans? Hang your head in shame and disgrace! YOU paid for every bomb, every bullet, every tank, every weapon, every single thing these psychopathically degenerate genocidal monsters are using to slaughter all these people, whom these ZioNazis openly call "human animals"! 15,000 CHILDREN murdered! Don't pretend you don't see, don't know! The entire world can now see what these creatures really are, what rabidly vicious mad dogs they are and always have been. So what do you do with a mad dog? Stipendium peccati mors est, Israel...Inshallah, so be it... - CP

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