Monday, May 13, 2024

Adventures With Danno, "Aldi Is Dropping Prices On 250 Products!"
Adventures With Danno, 5/12/24
"Aldi Is Dropping Prices On 250 Products!"
"Aldi is cutting prices on 250 products to 
help people save money on groceries!"
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WCPO 9, 5/12/24
"Aldi Lowering Prices On 250 Items,
 But Is There A  Catch?"
"Aldi has just announced that it is cutting prices on 250 grocery items for the summer, which will mean $100 million in savings to consumers. The promotion runs from now until Labor Day at Aldi's 2,300 locations in the US."
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Svetlana from Russia, 5/12/24
"Grocery Prices In Russia After Sanctions"
Comments here:

Comment: @citygirl7025: "She forgets to mention that in Russia medical care is free, hospital is free, university & schools are free. In America you only get food stamps & medicaid if you're poor, poor, poor and living on the street."

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