Monday, August 8, 2022

"Inflation 'Reduction' Bill To Unleash Tax Terrorism
Upon The American People" (Excerpt)
by Mike Adams

"Excerpt: "Accelerating the total destruction of America - exactly as planned - Democrats gleefully passed the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” that even Bernie Sanders says won’t reduce inflation. Because inflation is the product of an expanded money supply - see to stay informed - this massive government spending bill will only increase inflation while handing out hundreds of billions of dollars to the green energy sector, IRS agents and wealthy corporations.

One of the most alarming aspects of the bill is the $80 billion that’s earmarked to hire 87,000 new IRS agents, unleashing “tax terrorism” against the American working class while the wealthy elite continue to pay almost nothing in taxes. Although these 87,000 new IRS agents will likely spend a few years just opening the backlog of mail currently piling up in IRS offices across the country, at some point they will turn their attention to America’s working class, weaponizing the IRS to target conservatives, small business owners, Trump supporters, Christian churches and pro-2A non-profits. (Note, too, that the math on this comes out to nearly $1 million per IRS worker…)

Under Democrat control, of course, every institution of Big Government becomes a weapon to be wielded against their political opposition. The IRS was already weaponized under Obama (remember Lois Lerner?), and now under the Obiden regime, the IRS is going to be transformed into a domestic terrorism organization much like the FBI, a criminal cartel that plots and carries out terrorism attacks in America in order to heighten its own importance while placing the blame on “extremism” (which the FBI defines as anyone who believes in America)."
Please view this complete article and video here:

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