Tuesday, February 15, 2022

"What Vaccine Recipients Can Expect Long-Term" (Excerpt)

"What Vaccine Recipients Can Expect Long-Term" (Excerpt)
by Dr. Joseph Mercola

"Story At-A-Glance: For years, Big Pharma has had its eye on mRNA gene transfer technology. In 2019, a Milken Institute panel specifically discussed how they might achieve the transition from conventional vaccine development to novel mRNA technology

A year into the rollout of the COVID jabs, we’re realizing just how lacking scientists’ understanding of these shots is. Or worse, they do understand, and don’t care about the damage they cause

The COVID shots do not contain the identical mRNA found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The mRNA has been genetically manipulated in a process called “codon optimization,” and this process is KNOWN to create completely unforeseen side effects

Codon optimization can result in protein misfolding, which in turn has been linked to lethal conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases and heart failure

Pfizer appears to have been the most aggressive in their codon optimization. In its Risk Management Plan submitted to the FDA, Pfizer admits that the codon optimization they did resulted in elevated gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), which is an early marker of heart failure
Summary: So, to summarize as concisely as I can, Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen all modified the genetic code of their RNA to ensure that the resulting spike protein that your body makes would be more stable, and to bypass protective mechanisms in the cells that prevent viral replication. Without this change, your immune system would simply destroy the mRNA before your cells could start producing spike protein. The problem is that this codon optimization, this genetic rewriting, causes translation errors when your ribosomes - the “machinery” inside your cells that synthesize proteins - process the code.

These translation errors can result in misfolded and malfunctioning proteins. We already know that some protein misfolding is implicated in neurodegenerative diseases and sudden heart failure. But we really have no idea what the misfolded proteins created by the COVID jabs might do. The consequences may be identical to other protein misfolding, or they might result in entirely novel conditions.

To learn more, be sure to listen to the “Planet Lockdown” interview with Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Ph.D., a geneticist and researcher at the French Institute of Health, featured at the top of this article. She explains what RNA is, the theory of how the COVID jabs are supposed to work, and some of the main concerns surrounding their use.

She points out that, if you wanted to create a vaccine, you would not target the part of the virus that is most prone to mutation (the spike protein). One would select a part of the virus that is less likely to mutate. By targeting the spike protein, they set themselves up to produce multiple vaccines to keep up with mutations, so choosing the spike protein might well have been a financial decision.

Moreover, by selecting the spike protein as the target, they chose to program your body to produce the most toxic portion of the virus. We know that the spike protein alone is pathogenic - producing blood clots and abnormal bleeding, for example - even without the rest of the virus. Clotting and/or hemorrhaging is due to the fact that your immune system will attack and destroy the cells inside your vascular system that produce spike protein."
Please view this complete article, with videos, here:

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