Saturday, March 27, 2021

"Let Them Eat Woke"

"Let Them Eat Woke"
by Simon Black

"On October 6, 1789, a group of French peasants surrounded the country estate of King Louis XVI of France and demanded that he and his family relocate to Paris. The people were sick and tired of the king living the luxurious palace lifestyle at their expense. And, fearing what might happen if he refused, Louis consented to their demand.

The French Revolution was already well underway at that point, sparked in large part by people’s disgust with their out-of-touch aristocracy. France had been rendered bankrupt by the late 1700s; decades of costly foreign wars, coupled with endless extravagances by the nobility, had completely depleted the treasury.

The government’s solutions alternated between pretending their financial problems didn’t exist, to raising taxes at every possible turn. The nobles hardly noticed. They lived lavishly while passing on the inflation and tax increases to the peasants. French aristocrats were either completely clueless, or didn’t care one bit, that their policies were ruining people’s lives. The Queen, Marie Antoinette, is rumored to have summed up this attitude when she said “Let them eat cake”, in response to hearing how countless peasants were starving. Most likely that story is just urban legend. However there is plenty of historical evidence that she cared far more about her hair and royal gardens than any plight of the French people. Her lavish spending was so famous, in fact, that the French used to refer to her as “Madam Déficit”.

And yet - the king, the queen, the nobles - they were the elites. They knew best, and they were in charge of making decisions for everyone else. You know the rest of the story: the royal couple eventually paid for their conceit with their heads. But that didn’t solve France’s problems.

Soon a wave of radicals took over and formed a new elite (which became known as the Reign of Terror). And just like the old elite, they knew best, and they were in charge of making decisions for everyone else. This new elite encouraged the population to rat each other out for petty crimes. They printed stupifying quantities of paper money and engineered hyperinflation across the country. France’s revolutionary history is an incredible example of what happens when a tiny, out of touch group of elites manages to seize power and set the priorities for an entire nation.

We’re experiencing a version of this today in the West. Prominent media personalities, politicians, tech companies, and self-absorbed social media celebrities, have appointed themselves our cultural nobility and seized the power to dictate just about everything, from how tax dollars are spent, to the words that we’re allowed to say, to how our children are to be educated. It’s astonishing how quickly it happened, and how much has changed.

For example, it wasn’t that long ago that the entire purpose of the US military was to fight and win wars… and to be the most lethal fighting force in the history of the world. But today our new elites have changed the priorities. So now instead of the latest weaponry and unit readiness, senior military leaders brag about maternity flight suits, or reducing physical fitness standards in order to be more inclusive. Twenty years ago the military was about shock and awe. Today the priority has become diversity and inclusion.

Here’s another example: once upon a time, politicians at least paid lip service to fiscal responsibility. In fact there were numerous government shutdowns and debt ceiling crises in the United States, i.e. political battles to prevent excessive spending, as recently as 2011, 2013, 2018, and 2019.

Today, the new elites have changed the priorities. They tell us that the debt doesn’t matter, and the government can spend as much as it wants. And with every new massive spending bill, they’re emboldened to spend even more money. It’s been two weeks since the $1.9 trillion ‘Covid’ bill was passed, and they’re already planning a $3 trillion ‘infrastructure’ bill. Basic fiscal responsibility is simply no longer a priority.

Then there’s education, which used to be about - you know - EDUCATION. But now that the new elites have taken control, teachers have kids praying to Aztec gods of human sacrifice in order to expunge their whiteness. Critical Race Theory abounds in schools to teach children they are either victims or oppressors. And the new elite tells us that grading students based on getting the right answer in math class is White supremacy.

Then there’s the media - a once-trusted source of news and information. Today, under the new elites, the priority is no longer truth. It’s about force-feeding the narrative they want you to believe, whether about Covid, race, politics, climate change, or anything else.

For example, when a deranged lunatic went on a rampage and killed 10 people last week in Atlanta, six of whom were Asian, the media immediately reported that the shooting was due to White supremacy. Yet the FBI said there was no evidence to suggest a racial motivation, and even the killer himself stated that he was motivated by his sex addiction. But the media kept pounding the White Supremacy story anyhow. Yahoo News immediately told its audience in a reprinted article entitled “Whiteness is a Pandemic” that "Whiteness is a public health crisis. It shortens life expectancies, it pollutes air, it constricts equilibrium, it devastates forests, it melts ice caps, it sparks (and funds) wars, it flattens dialects, it infests consciousnesses, and it kills people..."

Naturally this is considered to be perfectly acceptable content, and not racist in any way. In 18th century France, people were starving, but the elites who ruled them were so out of touch that the prevailing attitude was, let them eat cake! Today there’s a new elite that makes all the rules. They’ve completely corrupted western civilization. They are fanatics who embrace Marxism, violence, racism, and censorship. And like the French elites before them, they’re completely out of touch with how much they’re destroying the country and people’s lives. Let them eat woke!"

Friday, March 26, 2021

Musical Interlude: Juzzie Smith, "Bluesberry Jam"

Juzzie Smith, "Bluesberry Jam"
The amazingly, ridiculously talented one-man-band! lol

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Colorful NGC 1579 resembles the better known Trifid Nebula, but lies much farther north in planet Earth's sky, in the heroic constellation Perseus. About 2,100 light-years away and 3 light-years across, NGC 1579 is, like the Trifid, a study in contrasting blue and red colors, with dark dust lanes prominent in the nebula's central regions.
In both, dust reflects starlight to produce beautiful blue reflection nebulae. But unlike the Trifid, in NGC 1579 the reddish glow is not emission from clouds of glowing hydrogen gas excited by ultraviolet light from a nearby hot star. Instead, the dust in NGC 1579 drastically diminishes, reddens, and scatters the light from an embedded, extremely young, massive star, itself a strong emitter of the characteristic red hydrogen alpha light."

"We Were There..."

"Someday stars will wind down or blow up. Someday death will cover us all like the water of a lake and perhaps nothing will ever come to the surface to show that we were ever there. But we WERE there, and during the time we lived, we were alive. That's the truth - what is, what was, what will be - not what could be, what should have been, what never can be."
- Orson Scott Card

"Now the voices and the sound of movement were gone, and the stream could be heard running quietly under its banks. The air was full of the scent of water and of flowers. She walked, quiet, while the house began to reverberate: a band had started up. She walked beside the river while the music thudded, feeling herself as a heavy, impervious, insensitive lump that, like a planet doomed always to be dark on one side, had vision in front only, a myopic searchlight blind except for the tiny three-dimensional path open immediately before her eyes in which the outline of a tree, a rose, emerged then submerged in dark. She thought, with the dove's voices of her solitude. Where? But where. How? Who? No, but where, where… Then silence and the birth of a repetition. Where? Here. Here? Here, where else, you fool, you poor fool, where else has it been, ever…?"
- Doris Lessing

"Did You Ever Wonder..."

"Did you ever wonder if the person in the puddle
 is real, and you're just a reflection of him?"
~ Calvin and Hobbes

"In All Seriousness..."

"Thomas Edison said in all seriousness: "There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the labor of thinking"- if we bother with facts at all, we hunt like bird dogs after the facts that bolster up what we already think- and ignore all the others! We want only the facts that justify our acts- the facts that fit in conveniently with our wishful thinking and justify our preconceived prejudices. As Andre Maurois put it: "Everything that is in agreement with our personal desires seems true. Everything that is not puts us into a rage." Is it any wonder, then, that we find it so hard to get at the answers to our problems? Wouldn't we have the same trouble trying to solve a second-grade arithmetic problem, if we went ahead on the assumption that two plus two equals five? Yet there are a lot of people in this world who make life a hell for themselves and others by insisting that two plus two equals five - or maybe five hundred!"
- Dale Carnegie

"Suez Canal Blocked! $10 Billion In Losses And Gasoline Shortages Spark Chaos On Global Supply Chains"

Full screen recommended.
"Suez Canal Blocked! $10 Billion In Losses And Gasoline 
Shortages Spark Chaos On Global Supply Chains"
by Epic Economist

"If things were already chaotic for global supply chains due to the ravaging effects of the health crisis, now that an enormous container ship is blocking both directions of the Suez Canal, global traders are in total "panic-mode," as shipping delays and widespread supply chain disruptions have been quickly worsening due to traffic jams at both entrances of the canal. The blockage is causing prices of commodities, including oil and gas, to skyrocket while triggering shortages of several other products, such as food and clothing. That’s what we’re going to expose in this video.

In what seemed to be an abrupt accident, the Panama-flagged container ship called the Ever Given, owned by Evergreen Marine Corp., has run aground inside the Suez Canal, the world's most important shipping lane, which connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean. Considering the "megaship" is even larger than the Eiffel Tower, analysts say it might take weeks to unstuck the vessel and clear the path for other ships that have been blocked in there for days.

Shipping experts are stressing that this unexpected turn of events was "the worst-case scenario for global trading," with refiners, operators, and producers risking to lose billions of dollars of time-sensitive products, while multiple countries across Europe, as well as the United States, are on the verge of experiencing a massive inflationary spike in prices of several other goods over the next few weeks.

The 120-mile long canal is the most trafficked waterway in the world and a chokepoint for the global oil trade. It is the main passage for chemical tanker ships to haul crude and other crude products from the Middle East to Europe and the United States. Nearly 12% of global trade and 10% of liquefied natural gas cross the waterway every day.

At a time when shipping companies have already been struggling for a prolonged period with distribution strains provoked by the sanitary outbreak, the current maritime transportation halt may have catastrophic effects on the overall inflation outlook, especially considering the world was already dealing with a containership shortage that has pushed the cost of shipping up as much as 400 percent. While ports remain overwhelmed, slowing down the pace of global trade, American consumers' demand for products foreign-made products keeps reaching unprecedented highs, which in turn, is causing prices of several goods to skyrocket.

Over the past few weeks, the cost of transporting goods from Asia to the U.S. East Coast has increased to over $5,000 per FEU compared to $2,775 per FEU in March last year. Considering that the cargo ship blocking the Suez Canal is holding up traffic that carries approximately $10 billion worth of goods every day, losses of time-sensitive and perishable products, such as food and medicine, will not only cause a devastating economic fallout but also trigger shortages over the coming weeks.

Right after the incident, oil prices surged, with Brent crude oil increasing by 5.77 per cent to $64.3 per barrel. On the average day, 1 million barrels of crude and 1.4 million barrels of gasoline flow through the canal, just as other refined petroleum products such as jet fuel. The blockage will inevitably make energy concerns worse, as the delivery of liquified natural gas has been delayed, several refineries and manufacturing plants may have to slow down production and even shut down some facilities for the time being.

On top of that, the report emphasizes that car manufacturers will be tremendously impacted as there is an ongoing shortage of auto parts. Over the past few months, automakers predicted there would be a slump in demand and did not order or canceled orders for chips. However, recently, consumer demand fueled by the massive amounts of government relief and stimulus money has remarkably increased, and car manufacturers "were caught short and their efforts to catch up have been complicated, and made more expensive, by the messy state of their supply chains”.

The multiple - and unsuccessful - attempts to refloat the ship are the perfect example of how we aren't prepared to deal with unexpected disturbances, and therefore, bound to face panicked reactions and chaotic breakdowns as there are no alternative plans or safety measures to avoid the occurrence of generalized supply collapses.

And the longer the blockage lingers, the worse the impacts will be. That is to say, we must all get ready for a new reality that involves constant shortages, continuous collapses, and extremely inflated prices. As the world jumps from one crisis to the other, the only thing we can do is prepare for the storm. Dark clouds are on the horizon, and you should keep tuned to the next global developments here on Epic Economist channel."

"MMT: An Epic Disaster in the Making"

"MMT: An Epic Disaster in the Making"
bu Jim Rickards

"If you have not yet heard of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), you will soon. If you’ve heard of it but don’t know what it means, join the club. There are only a handful of experts who really understand MMT. Those who do understand it fall into two camps – the true believers, who see MMT as the answer to practically every social policy issue facing the U.S. today and the skeptics, who view MMT as intellectual snake oil that will lead the U.S. down a path to financial ruin. I place myself in the latter category. Still, I recognize that you cannot effectively oppose a doctrine unless you understand it better than the advocates.

MMT is now the leading theory driving fiscal and monetary policy in the United States. A failure to understand MMT is equal to a failure to understand what’s driving U.S. economic policy, capital markets and investment performance. In its simplest form, MMT says that money has value because it is issued by a state, and the state will only accept that money in the payment of taxes. Citizens need to earn “state money” because they have to pay taxes. Therefore, the money has value because the state says so.

A state can run unlimited deficits simply by issuing more debt. The state can pay off the debt by issuing more currency, more debt, and so on. There is no limit to the size of deficits, the size of the national debt or interest costs because the state can always print more money to pay the debt and interest.

There is a corollary to the idea that a country can have unlimited debt. The debt must be in the same currency that the country prints. If you borrow money in a currency that you do not print, you can suffer a serious debt crisis. In theory, this would never happen in the U.S. because we borrow in dollars and print dollars. The U.S. can always print the dollars to pay the debt, so it can never go broke.

The MMT advocates take these ideas a step further. They argue that the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve should be viewed as a consolidated entity. The Treasury exists to spend government money and collect taxes. The Fed exists to print government money.By combining operations, the Fed simply monetizes whatever the Treasury spends.

The MMT crowd says individuals and families who spend more than they earn and can go bankrupt. But that same idea does not apply to countries, according to MMT. Individuals cannot print money, but governments can. So, everyday personal finance rules simply do not apply. Every dollar the government spends goes into someone’s pocket. A government deficit is an individual surplus. What if the bond market balks at all the debt issuance? What if interest rates skyrocket?

MMT has easy answers to these concerns. MMT says that the government bond market is practically irrelevant. The Fed can simply put money in the Treasury’s account at the Fed and wire the money directly at the Treasury's instruction. No bonds are needed for deficit finance.

What if individuals lose confidence in the dollar because of money printing and deficit spending? MMT says you need dollars to pay your taxes, so you must keep working for dollars for that reason. Your level of confidence is irrelevant.

Just as the Fed can pay the Treasury’s bills with direct transfers and no bond market, the Treasury can also pay its bills without any tax collections. I repeat, no actual tax collections are needed. If taxes aren’t needed to pay government bills, what is the point of the tax system? MMT gives three reasons.

The first is that it forces you to accept dollars because you need them to pay the taxes. The second is that progressive taxes can reduce income inequality by taking from the rich and giving to the poor. The third is that taxes are a good way to fight inflation if it should emerge. If inflation happens, a large tax increase will cool the economy and end the inflation.

That’s the overview. Once you accept the ideas that spending and money printing can be unlimited (I don’t, but MMTers do), then it follows that there is no social need that has to go unmet. Money is literally no object.

The political class may be plunging headlong into MMT without knowing what it is. But we have to understand MMT to see its impact on markets and our lives and the dangers it may present if it is pursued much longer.

MMT Is a Disaster Waiting to Happen: MMT is the most potentially damaging economic doctrine I have ever encountered, with the exception of communism. Let’s begin with the idea that the Fed and Treasury should be merged in practice so that the Fed will monetize any amount of spending or borrowing the Treasury wants.

The reason markets have any confidence at all in the Fed is precisely because they are perceived as independent of congressional spending plans. MMT takes this confidence for granted and assumes the Fed can just crank up the printing press whenever the Treasury likes. But, as soon as this kind of coordinated effort appears, markets will lose confidence, inflation expectations will soar and interest rates will skyrocket. The plan would collapse before it really began. This is exactly the type of adaptive behavior by investors and markets that MMT academics do not understand.

MMT says that a currency issuer such as the U.S. can never go broke because it can simply print money to pay off the debt (provided the borrowings are in the same currency as the printed money). This may be true in some narrow, literal sense, but it does not mean investors have to wait around for the trainwreck.

The evidence is strong that debt-to-GDP ratios above 90% are a major headwind for growth. Today that ratio is 130% and heading higher. More borrowing does not produce growth; it simply makes the debt problem worse.
At some point, investors abandon the dollar for alternatives, such as land, oil, gold, silver, or alternative assets. Interest rates rise sharply, which only increases the deficit. The fact that the U.S. can print the money to pay the debt is irrelevant if the money itself is being repudiated.

Something like this happened in 1978 when the U.S. Treasury issued bonds denominated in Swiss Francs and West German Deutschmark because investors did not want exposure to U.S. dollars.

An even more extreme version happened in 1922-23 in the German Weimar Republic. The Weimar Republic could print Reichsmarks to pay off bonds denominated in Reichsmarks, but nobody wanted the bonds or the currency. The printing press is not the answer when it’s used promiscuously. The printing press is the problem.

The MMT claim that U.S. citizens cannot repudiate the dollar because they need it to pay taxes is also nonsense. Nothing is easier than the legal avoidance of taxes. For example, take any one of Silicon Valley’s tech billionaires. A company founder, such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook or Larry Page of Google, can issue shares tax-free. After years of hard work and success, that stock may be worth $100 billion. How much tax do you owe? The answer is zero. As long as you do not sell the stock, you do not owe any tax no matter how much the stock goes up in value.

Not everyone is a co-founder of Google, but the analysis is no different if you’re just an everyday investor with 100 shares. As long as you don’t sell the stock, you don’t owe any tax. Americans who contribute funds to 401(k)s or IRAs also avoid taxes on those amounts until they take distributions, which can be decades later.

The list of tax avoidance methods goes on. I was formerly International Tax Counsel to Citi, so I know exactly how the game is played. Only an academic sitting in a faculty lounge would believe that taxes force anyone to use any particular currency. Once the currency becomes debased, citizens will drop it like a hot rock.

Who Needs the Bond Market?: Another baseless claim of MMT is that government bonds are not needed to finance government spending. The Treasury can just spend what it wants by ordering the Fed to send funds to suppliers and contractors. In fact, the government bond market is the benchmark for every fixed income market in the world. Interest rates on government bonds are a critical signal of whether government policies are working (or not), whether inflation is gaining a foothold, and whether monetary policy is too tight or too loose.

The existence of a liquid government bond market signals that private investors regard the government as creditworthy. The idea that the Treasury market is an unnecessary frill shows how out of touch the MMT academics are and how little monetary history they have absorbed.

One of the more bizarre MMT claims is that “a government deficit is an individual’s surplus.” The idea is that the government is the sole source of money, and if the government didn’t spend it, you wouldn’t have any. The corollary is that the more the government spends, the more money you have. But if the dollar becomes dysfunctional, as has happened with many currencies in the past, people abandon it for a better substitute.

Gresham’s Law, “bad money drives out good,” is an explicit recognition that citizens are always ready to dump one type of money and hoard another when they are being shortchanged by the former. So, just because the Treasury spends money, it does not mean citizens have any confidence in the money being spent.

What About the Banks? The idea that government is the sole source of money is just wrong. This ignores the role of the banking system. In fact, the literature on MMT focuses almost exclusively on the government and individuals while largely ignoring the banking system. But, banks are the intermediaries between the government and individuals and businesses. Banks create money just as surely as the Fed by making loans. That money comes out of thin air in a manner similar to Fed printing in the conduct of open market operations.

The Treasury may be the creator of the dollar, but they are not the sole issuer of the dollar. The dollar is continually issued by both the Fed and the commercial banks without involving the Treasury. Money is issued by various financial intermediaries in various forms. The dollars in our wallets and purses are liabilities of the Federal Reserve System. (Read the fine print on a twenty-dollar bill, and you’ll see the words “Federal Reserve Note.” The Fed is the issuer, and a note is a liability). It is true that the Treasury borrows money, receives taxes and spends money. But it’s just another user of money, not the sole source. MMT’s understanding is exactly backward.

The Role of Taxes: Perhaps the most pernicious idea from the MMT crowd is that taxes have nothing to do with spending. MMT says government can just spend what it wants. The purpose of taxes is not to balance the budget or even pay for anything. Taxes exist solely to cool down inflation and redistribute income from rich to poor.

If taxes are just another monetary safety valve (to reduce inflation) or a redistributionist tool, there is no reason for any American to support any level of taxation. Central banks have other ways to cool inflation, such as raising rates.

The idea that the tax code is nothing more than a cattle prod to fight inflation is exactly the kind of mindlessness one expects from academics whose business or real-world experience is practically nil. This view of the tax code treats citizens like Pavlov’s dogs. We’re not Pavlov’s dogs. We understand the monetary and tax systems better than any MMT proponent because we live with them every day.

In conclusion, MMT proponents ignore human nature, adaptive behavior and unintended consequences. MMT will fail and cause great economic hardship in its wake. That’s a recipe for disaster."
"Demystifying Modern Monetary Theory"
by New Economic Thinking

"In a challenge to conventional views on modern monetary and fiscal policy, Professor Bill Mitchell of Newcastle University in Australia has emerged as one of the foremost exponents of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a heterodox challenge to the prevailing paradigms which dominate how mainstream economics is taught and economic policy implemented.  In his works, and the interview below, Mitchell presents a coherent analysis of how money is created, how it functions in global exchange rate regimes, and how the mystification of the nature of money has constrained governments, and prevented states from acting in the public interest."

Gregory Mannarino, PM 3/26/21: "Another Missile Attack, Ebola Is Back, And Dimming The Sun"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 3/26/21:
"Another Missile Attack, Ebola Is Back, And Dimming The Sun"

The Daily "Near You?"

West Liberty, Ohio, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

“Where Am I Here?”

“Where Am I Here?”
by Jim Kunstler

"Biden’s style - specifically how he communicates with the American people - is also a page from the FDR playbook. Two months into his presidency, he has been surprisingly disciplined and economical with his words and appearances. The verbal gaffes that dogged him throughout his long career in Washington are nowhere to be seen.”
- Paul Brandus, Opinion columnist, USA Today

"I don’t know about you, but I was thrilled to hear Joe Biden tell America - with a faraway gleam in those ol’ blue Konstantin Chernenko eyes - that he’s expecting to run for a second term. The prospect must engross him, so effervescent was his campaign of 2020! Like all presidents, he’s learning on-the-job, but he’s already lapping Franklin Roosevelt in the hundred-day dash of executive action, showing those wicked CCP envoys who’s boss (why, they are, of course), and turning the depraved white supremacist state of Texas into a vibrant Honduras del Norte. As Mr. Biden would say, anyway… I’ve gone on too long about that….

Meanwhile, from offstage you could hear the crunch of his handlers chewing their Xanax, knowing that the game was a brain-fart away from disaster. Well, he only wandered away from the podium one time, and he dutifully followed the script. In fact, the script was right there in his hand the entire white-knuckle hour of this debut press conference, and he often appeared to be reading straight off the page. I’m sure he was making a funny when he said he came to the Senate 120 years ago. (Remember the battle over Wm. H Taft’s nomination to be Territorial Governor of the Philippines? And how, in the hearings, then-freshman Senator Ol’ Joe B produced three New Haven doxies who testified about Taft’s “abnormal appetites” during the nominee’s years at Yale?)

Traditionally, presidential press conferences are opportunities to inform the nation where things stand, and to send signals to the other nations (“friend and foe alike” as JFK used to say) about America’s intentions, especially in the nuclear age, with the world so nervously on edge. What did Americans learn from Mr. Biden’s debut? Mainly that an old dog can do some old tricks, follow a script, play the politician, fill a suit, run his mouth, and go through the motions - fulfilling people’s cynical expectation that some trip is being laid on them. Foreign observers will probably note that the executive branch is being run by a politburo more secretive even than the old gang who ran the USSR. No one in this country seems to notice.

Mr. Biden’s real job is as a walking MaxWriter© signature machine, ready to sit down and serve whenever Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer send another 1000-plus-page bundle of legislation to the White House, designed to ratchet up the government’s despotic power over everyday life in order to “solve the problems” of free enterprise, free elections, and free speech with free money and hyper-complexity.

Coming up soon, for instance: HR1, the “For the People [ha!] Act,” designed to maximally enable election fraud by enrolling as many live bodies as possible to vote with no chance of verifying their identities, age, place of residence, or citizenship. The act would certainly introduce many new layers of chaos and delay in ascertaining election results. It would also take away the states’ constitutional duty to fashion their own election requirements and, in the process, further erode the legitimacy of the federal government and give many states more reason to oppose and nullify it, or even secede from it - meaning, another step toward that looming civil war 2.0.

One strange exchange in the press conference especially stood out [from the official White House transcript]:

Q: [Janet Rodriguez, Univision] Thank you, Mr. President. We, too, have been reporting at the border. And just like Cecilia, we ran into a pair of siblings who came in on Monday, who were detained by CBP - had the phone number for their mother who lives in the U.S. We have contacted the mother. That’s the only way they know her kids are here because CBP, today, Thursday, has not contacted that mother. So, when can we expect your promise of things getting better with contacting and expediency and processing?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, they’re already getting better, but they’re going to get real - they’ll get a whole hell of lot better real quick, or we’re going to hear of some people leaving, okay?

Did you catch that? The siblings’ mother lives in the USA? How did she get here and when? Is she here legally? Why were these children living in another country, away from their mother, and for how long? Why did the mother abandon her children in the country she left? Did anybody notice that this story doesn’t add up?"

"The Notion..."


"Do We Really Think a Band-Aid Will Heal a Tumor?"

"Do We Really Think a Band-Aid Will Heal a Tumor?"
by Charles Hugh Smith

"If we misdiagnose the disease, our treatment won't work. We're all familiar with medical misdiagnoses, which lead to procedures and prescriptions that can't possibly fix the patient's illness because the source has been missed or misinterpreted. Medical diagnoses are often tricky, as many general symptoms can arise from a variety of sources.

Social and economic ills can also be tricky to diagnose, and the diagnosis is hindered by political polarization and sacrosanct orthodoxies which make it difficult to have a rational discussion in public about many difficult issues. If we can't even discuss a problem, then that creates another problem, because problems that can't be discussed openly cannot be solved. There's also a human tendency to choose the diagnosis with the easiest-at-hand solution. This allows us to quickly apply an approved solution and then declare the problem solved.

The current flood of financial stimulus is an example of this misdiagnosis and application of an easy solution which fails to address the underlying disorder. The conventional diagnosis of the post-pandemic economy is that the only problem is people don't have enough money, and so giving them money to spend will cure the financial damage the pandemic inflicted. (Never mind that the economy was rolling over in 2019 long before the pandemic, which served as a catalyst in a sick, unstable status quo.)

Creating $1.9 trillion out of thin air and distributing it is painless: who doesn't like free money? But is a scarcity of cash the source of America's economic malaise? The general view is that pumping free money into the economy will automatically increase employment, launch new businesses, increase profits and tax revenues, etc.

Yet as I discussed in my blog post on the velocity of money, "Our Dead Money Economy," as the money supply expands in a parabolic fashion, the frequency that all this new money is changing hands (money velocity) is in a free-fall to historic lows. Simply put, much of this money is either being saved ("hoarded" to economists who want us all to spend every dime of it), applied to debts outstanding (back rent, credit cards, etc.) or sent overseas for imported goods. There is no guarantee that all this stimulus will generate the jobs, new enterprises, profits and tax revenues that are anticipated.

Distributing stimulus money and expecting this solution to fix America's economic malaise is akin to applying a Band-Aid over a tumor. It may well hide the problem but it cannot heal the disorder or save the patient.

My current work focuses on three dynamics that define any human civilization: the distribution of resources, capital and agency. Resources are straightforward--food, energy, shelter, etc.-- and capital is financial (money), tangible (tools, ownership of land and enterprises, etc.) and intangible (social and human capital). Capital productively invested produces income.

Agency is control of one's life and having a say in community/public decisions and having some control and power over one's circumstances. When these three are distributed asymmetrically, where the majority of the resources, capital and power are distributed to an elite, the society and economy are imbalanced and prone to stagnation and eventual discord.

The statistics are unequivocal: income-wealth inequality in the U.S. continues reaching new heights. This is reflected in asymmetric access to healthcare and other resources, asymmetric ownership of income-producing capital and limited agency. ("Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018")

The bottom 90% of the U.S. economy has been decapitalized: debt has been substituted for capital. Capital only flows into the increasingly centralized top tier, which owns and profits from the rising tide of debt that's been keeping the bottom 90% afloat for the past 20 years.

As I've often observed here, globalization and financialization have richly rewarded the top 0.1% and the top 5% technocrat class that serves the New Nobility's interests. Everyone else has been been reduced to a powerless peasantry of debt-serfs who rely on lotteries and playing the stock market casino or hoping their mortgaged house on the Left or Right coasts doubles in value, even as the entire value proposition for living in a congested urban sprawl vanishes.

America has no plan to reverse this destructive tide of Neofeudal Pillage. Our leadership's "plan" is benign neglect: just send a monthly stimulus of bread and circuses (the technocrat term is Universal Basic Income UBI) to all the disempowered, decapitalized households so they can stay out of trouble and not hinder the New Nobility's pillaging of America and the planet. The bottom 90% of American households receive a mere 3% of capital-generated income. That 3% might as well be 1% or 0.1% - it's inconsequential.

As for agency: Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin Page of Northwestern University are the authors of the study "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens." Professor Gilens gave this brief summary of their conclusions:

"I'd say that contrary to what decades of political science research might lead you to believe, ordinary citizens have virtually no influence over what their government does in the United States. And economic elites and interest groups, especially those representing business, have a substantial degree of influence. Government policy-making over the last few decades reflects the preferences of those groups - of economic elites and of organized interests." (Source: Foreign Affairs, January 2021, "Monopoly Versus Democracy") That is as definitive as soaring income-wealth inequality. Both are inherently destabilizing.

Meanwhile, central bankers, monopolists and the politicos whose campaigns are funded by monopolists are all frantically trying to convince us their Band-Aid will heal the metastasizing tumor consuming America. And if it doesn't, well, it was inevitable that the central banks would boost the wealth of the top 0.1% and leave the bottom 90% spiraling into the abyss; we really can't stop "technology" (heh) or "capitalism" (heh-heh). Consider this excerpt from the article:

"...high-tech monopolists (pursue) a strategy of encouraging people to see immense inequality as a tragic but unavoidable consequence of capitalism and technological change. But as Lynn shows, one of the main differences between then and now is that, compared to today, fewer Americans accepted such rationalizations during the Gilded Age. Today, Americans tend to see grotesque accumulations of wealth and power as normal. Back then, a critical mass of Americans refused to do so, and they waged a decades-long fight for a fair and democratic society."

Distributing "free money" (much of which goes to favored industries and cartels) is a Band-Aid over the metastasizing tumor of perversely imbalanced distributions of resources, capital and agency/power. If America cannot bear to discuss these realities (and structural solutions - yes, there are solutions) openly, they will unravel the social, economic and political orders in a non-linear Cultural Revolution with a highly uncertain outcome. Borrowing a quarter of the nation's entire economic output every year to prop up an ineffective, corrupt status quo is putting a Band-Aid over a tumor."

Gregory Mannarino, AM 3/26/21: "More Proof: The Economic FREE-FALL Is Again Worsening"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 3/26/21:
"More Proof: The Economic FREE-FALL Is Again Worsening"

Musical Interlude: Marvin Gaye, "Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)"

Marvin Gaye, 
"Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)"

"How It Really Is"


"Peddling Influence"

"Peddling Influence"
by Bill Bonner

"People are neither always good nor always bad,
 but always subject to influence."
– A Diary dictum

YOUGHAL, IRELAND – "There are not many benefits to growing old. We can hardly think of any at all. You can’t play professional basketball. You won’t get the leading man role in community theatre. You have aches and pains everywhere… And you can’t figure out how to buy bitcoin… or why you’d want to. You “don’t get it,” say your children and grandchildren. But sometimes, not getting it pays off.

Technology moves ahead. Fads and fashions, too, change… often leaving us scratching our heads. The world leaves us behind. Why would people want to sit in a restaurant with eight TV screens… and loud music blaring? And why would someone pay millions of dollars for an NTF at all… let alone one of “Michael Jackson lactating” or a mini Joe Biden character, naked, relieving himself on a similarly naked Donald Trump? They ought to pay you to take that kind of thing.

Same Old Story: But while some things leave us behind forever… some things come back around. And the lessons learned 50 years ago… or 20 years ago… may have some residual value after all. No… black Bakelite rotary phones may never replace the Apple iPhone. And the rabbit-eared TV set with three channels is not likely to make a comeback. The medium evolves, moving forward like time itself. But the message circles back… and the influencers kick us in the derrière again.

It’s still the same old story, in other words. A fight for love and glory. Everybody busting his hump trying to get ahead… to earn more money… to be more chic… more cool… more rich… and more powerful.

We’ve Seen This Show Before: This lust for wealth, status, and power inevitably leads people to try to cut in line. But unlike technology or honest capitalism, where the upside is infinite and the benefits are widespread, there are really very few new ways to rob, cheat, and steal. Boondoggles? Stick-ups? Kickbacks? Payola? Bribery? Taxes? Regulations? Paper money? Inflation? Larceny? Counterfeiting? Fraud? Vote stealing? Flim-flam? Lying? What’s new?

Not much. Which is why – when it comes to politics and markets – age may have at least one redeeming benefit. There’s a good chance that the old-timer has seen this show before; he knows how it ends.

It was on an old, boxy TV screen that we learned – in the 1970s – that mortgage rates had hit 15%. It was on paper – in a book – that we learned how to value a stock by estimating future earnings and discounting to present value (with a healthy margin for things that might go wrong). And it was by direct experience that today’s 70-somethings learned what double-digit inflation can do.

Forgotten Lessons: But for the last 40 years – particularly the last 10 – those lessons have been démodé. Consumer price inflation has been going down, more or less, since the early 1980s. Stocks have been going up. And the old lessons were no help. And recently, they became a curse. In La Bubble Epoch, earnings scarcely matter. Some 40% of the stocks in the Russell 2000 Index lost money; no point in adding up zeros. And yet, these companies are often the ones that score the biggest gains.

What to make of it? What to make of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies? What to make of Beeple? And what about MicroStrategy? The company’s revenues had been falling since 2014. Then, last year, it bought more than a billion dollars’ worth of bitcoin… and its share price increased 400%.

What sense did that make? Did the company just become a convenient way to own bitcoin without having to remember your password? But how do investors know that MicroStrategy won’t forget? Back in the dot-com bubble, MicroStrategy’s CEO, Michael Saylor, famously proclaimed that “information wants to be free.” Then, in 2000, he paid an $8 million fine to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for overstating the company’s earnings. How do investors know he’s not lying now about bitcoin?

Youth Versus Experience: But that’s the kind of question an old-timer might ask. Younger investors trust. Older ones look for verification. They’ve heard too many claims that turned out not to be true… they’ve seen too many bubbles blow up… and put their faith in too many people who turned out to be untrustworthy. Today’s callow speculators have their own ways of evaluating stocks… and their own gurus – now known as “FinTwit influencers” – to help them do it.

Elon Musk, for example, was born in 1971. He was only 9 years old when the big bull market in stocks and bonds began. And he was born in South Africa. But his influence is so powerful, he only has to mention a company that sounds like another company… and both double in minutes.

Chamath Palihapitiya – the so-called “SPAC King” – was born in 1976, in Sri Lanka. He didn’t begin compiling his fame and fortune until he joined Facebook in 2007. Now, he’s got both – up the kazoo… as well as 1.4 million followers on Twitter.

Influencer Nonpareil: Cathie Wood, who we wrote about yesterday, meanwhile, is not so young. And not so foreign. But she must be the Henry Blodget of the 21st century tech bubble. Don’t remember him? Do you think “influencing” was invented yesterday? No, Dear Reader, influencing is one of those things that comes back around… one of those things that age might recognize better than youth.

Blodget was a young financial analyst in the 1990s. In 1998, he said Amazon, then priced at $240 a share, would soon rise to $400. It did. Thereafter, Blodget became an influencer nonpareil, appearing on TV shows and in newsclips, talking up his book of dot-com stocks. But the dot-com bubble burst in 2000 and former New York attorney general Eliot Spitzer (who would later be disgraced himself) went after Blodget for securities fraud. Blodget paid $4 million, as a result, and was banned from the securities industry for life.

Now, it’s Elon, Cathie, and Chamath who do the influencing.And the old-timers know what to expect…"
Very, very remotely related diversion:
(Only this quote, actually...)
As the renowned social philosopher Richard Pryor observed, 
"You don't get to be old by bein' no fool.
 Whole lotta young wise men deader'n a MF'er."
Well, very strongest language alert possible but 
funnier than hell. if you're not easily offended please enjoy 
the totally politically incorrect genius of Richard Pryor.
Please view this on YouTube so auto-advance works properly!

Oh, Lord... lol

"When You Have Eliminated The Impossible..."


"In one of the earlier Sherlock Holmes mysteries, Arthur Conan Doyle (not yet a Sir) made an observation on logical deduction. When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. There is, however, a specific flaw in that maxim. It assumes people can recognize the difference between what is impossible and what they believe is impossible."
- Peter Clines

"Fauci Does Damage Control After Fmr. CDC Director Suspects Wuhan Lab Leak"

"Fauci Does Damage Control After
 Fmr. CDC Director Suspects Wuhan Lab Leak"
by Tyler Durden

Update (1050ET): "Someone must have picked up the red phone and made a call, as Dr. Anthony Fauci said during a Friday White House press briefing that 'most scientists believe COVID-19 didn't come from a lab,' contradicting viral comments to CNN by former CDC Director Robert Redfield."

* * *
"Former CDC Director Robert Redfield says that SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, did not originate from a wet market in Wuhan, China, and instead escaped from a nearby lab which was performing gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses to make them more easily infect humans.

"I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human," Redfield told CNN's Sanjay Gupta in an interview set to air Sunday night at 9 p.m. ET. "Normally, when a pathogen goes from a zoonot to human, it takes a while for it to figure out how to become more & more efficient in human to human transmission." "It's only an opinion; I'm allowed to have opinions now," he added.

Redfield said he thinks the virus originated inside a lab in China and “escaped” — not necessarily intentionally. (This all airs in a new Sanjay doc this Sunday night on CNN, which should be really interesting.)"
- Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) March 26, 2021

When asked how he believes the lab was working to make the virus infect humans more efficiently, he said "Let’s just say, I have a coronavirus, and I’m working on it - most of us in the lab are trying to grow virus. We try to make it grow better and better and better and better, so we can do experiments and figure out about it. That’s the way I put it together."

Redfield, a virologist picked by former President Trump to lead the Centers for Disease Control, said he believes that the pandemic began as a localized outbreak in Wuhan in September or October of 2019, earlier than the official timeline, and that it spread to every province in China over the ensuing months.

And while the rest of the world was told the only initial Covid-19 cases in China had originated from a wet market in Wuhan, Redfield is confident the evidence suggests that was simply not the case. According to Redfield, even his counterpart at the China CDC, Dr. George Gao, was initially left in the dark about the magnitude of the problem until early January. He described a private phone call he had with Gao in early January 2020, when Gao became distraught and started crying after finding "a lot of cases'' among individuals who had not been to the wet market. Gao, Redfield says, "came to the conclusion that the cat was out of the bag." The initial mortality rates in China were somewhere between "5-10%," Redfield told me. "I'd probably be cryin' too," he added.

The United States wasn't formally notified of the "mysterious cluster of pneumonia patients" until December 31, 2019. Those were critical weeks and months that countries around the world could've been preparing. -Dr. Sanjay Gupta via CNN

Redfield says that the notion COVID-19 jumped from a bat to a human doesn't make "biological sense," noting to Gupta that he spent his career as a virologist. His opinion differs from that of the World Health Organization, which has called the lab escape theory "extremely unlikely" with no clear evidence. And of course, CCP-friendly pundits are towing Beijing's official line by attacking Redfield:

"We are all allowed to have “opinions.” Among Redfield’s previous opinions were that a useless vaccine for AIDS was actually a cure, and that he could just make up data about the disease and publish it. My “opinion”: Robert Redfield is a quack. @cnn should not give him a platform
- Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) March 26, 2021

Which, in itself should be enough evidence to question the mainstream narrative."
Curious timing, mere coincidence of course...
"Live Simulation Exercise to Prepare Public 
and Private Leaders for Pandemic Response"

Geneva, Switzerland, 15 October 2019 – "The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will host Event 201: a high-level simulation exercise for pandemic preparedness and response, in New York, USA, on Friday 18 October, 08.45 - 12.30 EDT."

"Covid-19 Pandemic Update 3/26/21"

"Covid-19 Pandemic Update 3/26/21"
Editor's Note: This excerpt was originally published in the article “Sleepy Joe's Next $3 Trillion Boondoggle” at David Stockman's ContraCorner.

"The lone political ranger in Washington who has articulately and forcefully confronted Fed Chairmen, Dr. Fauci and the Deep State peddlers of the RussiaGate Hoax specifically and the Forever Wars generally is Senator Rand Paul. Most of his so-called conservative GOP colleagues have either been AWOL completely on these deeply symptomatic matters or joined the fray after it was way too late or had become a matter of Trumpian loyalty-signaling.

Where were they last year at this time when the Donald disastrously anointed a 52-year Federal apparatchik, publicity-hound and scientific lightweight to be the Covid-czar? And then, they permitted him to host his own daily reality TV show which sparked the calamity of Lockdown Nation and impregnated the national psyche with unhinged hysteria about a respiratory virus that was not appreciably more virulent than many which had come before.

There were plenty of scientific voices at the time who said this was a giant folly, but even a brief acquaintance with the history of respiratory diseases and the principles of constitutional government was all that was required to deliver a loud, no!

Senator Rand Paul was one of the few who did from the very beginning, and now that the data is in and the visible pandemic is fast fading, he has been fully vindicated. Indeed, we have rarely seen anything which more powerfully discredits the Covid-as-Black Plague Myth and the resulting depredations of the Virus Patrol than the chart below.
Click image for larger size.
It shows the age-adjusted death rate from all causes for the 120 year span since 1900. As such, it takes all the noise and misdirection out of the daily Covid counts blared across the screen by the cable TV chyrons, and actually embeds the matter in real science.

That is to say, it’s age-adjusted so that the rapidly increasing population of the very elderly with inherently high mortality rates does not bias the picture. Nor do the squirrely death certificate coding conventions promulgated by the CDC last March distort the metric. That’s because it includes deaths from all causes - including the hundreds of thousands where the deceased succumbed to multitudinous causes and co-morbidities but also tested positive under the radically flawed PCR test for Covid.

Needless to say, when the age-adjusted mortality rate from all causes oscillated at about 7 per 1,000 population in recent years and then blipped up to about 8 per 1,000 in 2020 (green bar), you do not have a Black Plague or even a deathly pandemic.

What you have is a bad flu season that unfortunately resulted in a modest excess death rate -and one overwhelmingly centered in the nursing homes and the very elderly population beset with weak immune systems. Also, you have an all-causes death rate that was actually no higher than what was taken as a standard outcome as recently as 2004–2006.

The point is, the chart tells you that there should never have been a Covid hysteria or a lockdown, which caused previously unthinkable economic repercussions such as 70 million newly filed unemployment claims. That’s to say nothing of the crash of whole industries such as air travel and restaurants, the loss of lifetime investments by several millions of small businessmen and entrepreneurs, and the calamity of $6 trillion of Everything Bailouts that were recklessly stood up to compensate for the lockdown carnage.

A few decades from now, the blip represented by the green bar will hardly be visible with even a magnifying glass. That’s because several subsequent years will show a small dip in the annual mortality rates owing to the fact that the Grim Reaper came a few months early when medical treatments and therapeutic protocols failed to become available to the most vulnerable in the initial months of the pandemic.

More importantly, the reason for the sweeping folly of 2020 will become readily apparent. It wasn’t "the science." On the contrary, it was the result of an old-fashioned power grab by a camarilla of public health bureaucrats, their overlords in the pharma industry and the state and local officials who suddenly had a chance to wield dictatorial powers over the daily lives of their constituents.

No rational government in a free society with a healthy opposition party would have wreaked the havoc brought upon America during the last year owing to the tiny blip reflected in the green bar below.

Senator Rand Paul and a few intrepid colleagues - plus an occasional on-point anchor on Fox News like Tucker Carlson - tried as they might, but they simply could not thwart the ceaseless aggrandizement of an Imperial City that has become the living embodiment of Leviathan.

The chart above puts us in mind of our own youth on a rural Michigan farm. At our one-room school, we all wanted to get measles, mumps and chickenpox so that we would have the natural immunities going forward; and when it came along, we wanted to get Dr. Salk’s vaccine because we didn’t wish to get polio. But either way, no one thought we were living in a world beset by deathly plagues and medical pestilence; this includes the virulent Asian flu that came along in 1957, which resulted in 116,000 deaths among a population half today’s size.

Still, the age-adjusted death rate from all causes in 1957 was about 14 per 1,000 or double the rate recorded for the Year-of-the-Covid in 2020. The fact that US economic and social life has been monkey-hammered by unhinged government interventions is evidence that there is not much left in Washington to thwart the on-going metastasis."