Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Poet: Carl Sandburg, “From the Shore"

“From the Shore"

“A lone gray bird,
Dim-dipping, far-flying,
Alone in the shadows and grandeurs and tumults
Of night and the sea
And the stars and storms.

Out over the darkness it wavers and hovers,
Out into the gloom it swings and batters,
Out into the wind and the rain and the vast,
Out into the pit of a great black world,
Where fogs are at battle, sky-driven, sea-blown,
Love of mist and rapture of flight,
Glories of chance and hazards of death
On its eager and palpitant wings.

Out into the deep of the great dark world,
Beyond the long borders where foam and drift
Of the sundering waves are lost and gone
On the tides that plunge and rear and crumble.”
- Carl Sandburg

"And It Was Pointless..."

"And it was pointless to think how those years could have been put to better use, for he could hardly have put them to worse. There was no recovering them now. You could grieve endlessly for the loss of time and for the damage done therein. For the dead, and for your own lost self. But what the wisdom of the ages says is that we do well not to grieve on and on. And those old ones knew a thing or two and had some truth to tell for you can grieve your heart out and in the end you are still where you were. All your grief hasn't changed a thing. What you have lost will not be returned to you. It will always be lost. You're left with only your scars to mark the void. All you can choose to do is to go on or not. But if you go on, it's knowing you carry your scars with you."
- Charles Frazier
 "Never be ashamed of a scar. 
It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you." 
- Unknown

"When People Get Extremely Desperate And Extremely Hungry, They Will Literally Eat Just About Anything"

"When People Get Extremely Desperate And Extremely Hungry,
 They Will Literally Eat Just About Anything"
by Michael Snyder

"If your family was on the verge of starving to death, to what extremes would you be willing to go in order to get food? Some of the things that I am going to share with you in this article may make you cringe. But you need to understand what people are willing to do when they get extremely desperate and extremely hungry, because the global food crisis that has already begun is going to greatly intensify in the years ahead. Hundreds of millions of people go to bed hungry every single night, and children are literally dropping dead from starvation on the other side of the globe right now. Unfortunately, most people in the western world don’t even realize that this is going on because the corporate media rarely reports on it. War, pestilence, natural disasters, bizarre weather patterns and historic crop failures are creating a “perfect storm” for global food production. It is being projected that later this year things will get really bad in some of the poorest areas of the planet, and the long-term outlook is even worse.

When people get hungry enough, they will literally eat just about anything. On Monday, I was stunned to learn that a team of archaeologists has discovered that settlers at Jamestown in the 17th Century actually resorted to eating dogs in a desperate attempt to survive…"The first English settlers to arrive in North America ate dogs to survive an extreme period of starvation, according to a gruesome new study.

Researchers at the University of Iowa discovered the remains of 16 indigenous dogs at an archaeological site in Jamestown, Virginia, that strongly suggest the 17th Century settlers ate at least six canines. Their remains showed hallmark signs that the colonists had skinned the animals, dismembered their limbs and removed the flesh from their bones between 1609 and 1617 AD, the team said."

For many of you, this level of savagery may be difficult to grasp. Sadly, it appears that what the archaeologists found is backed up by written testimony from one of the original settlers of the colony…"By the spring of 1610, only about 60 of the original colonists were still alive and George Percy – one of the original settlers – authored an account of what occurred in the wake of the starvation period.

"Now all of us at James Town, beginning to feel that sharp prick of hunger which no man truly describe but he which has tasted the bitterness thereof. Then having fed upon horses and other beasts as long as they lasted, we were glad to make shift with vermin as dogs, cats, rats, and mice,’ Percy wrote in excerpts of his account called ‘Starving Time,’ archived by the National Humanities Center."

What would you do if you were in their shoes? This is one of the reasons why I am encouraging my readers to store up food while they still can. I never want any of you to be in a position where you are faced with such choices.

A global food crisis is already here. More than a billion people in Africa already do not have enough food to eat on a regular basis, and 30 percent of the children on the entire continent suffer from stunted growth. In East Africa, some of those that are starving “are resorting to consuming grass and peanut shells”…"The U.N. World Food Program (WFP) says that in Darfur, Sudan there are reports of children dying of malnutrition. “The situation is dire. People are resorting to consuming grass and peanut shells. If assistance doesn’t reach them soon, we risk witnessing widespread starvation and death in Darfur and across other conflict-affected areas in Sudan,” said Michael Dunford, WFP East Africa director."

In other areas of Sudan, people on the brink of starvation are literally eating dirt…"There is so little food in some areas of Sudan that people are taking extreme measures to survive. In the Al Lait refugee camp, they are eating dirt." Yes, you read that correctly. So I don’t want anyone out there trying to tell me that the global food crisis isn’t serious.

One 41-year-old man in Sudan says that his wife and children are so hungry that they have been rolling dirt into a ball and swallowing it with water…"Akok, 41, reached Al Lait in December, but has no work and can’t feed the family. At times, they go two or three days without eating. When that happens, Akok said, he watches helplessly as his wife and children dig holes in the ground with a stick, slide their hands in and grab some soil. Then they roll the soil into a ball, put it in their mouths and swallow it with water. “I keep telling them not to do it, but it’s hunger,” he said. “There is nothing I can do.” What would you do if you and your family were in a similar position?

In West Africa and Central Africa, it is being projected that approximately 55 million hungry people “will struggle to feed themselves in the coming months”…"Soaring prices have helped fuel a food crisis in West and Central Africa, where nearly 55 million people will struggle to feed themselves in the coming months, U.N. humanitarian agencies warned Friday. The number facing hunger during the June-August lean season has quadrupled over the last five years, they said, noting that economic challenges such as double-digit inflation and stagnating local production had become major drivers of the crisis, beyond recurrent conflicts in the region.

In areas south of there, widespread crop failures caused by drought have created a tremendous nightmare…"Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi each declared national disasters as crops failed in a region where 70 percent of smallholder farmers rely on rainfed agriculture for their livelihood. Food prices have risen up to 82 percent in some drought-affected areas, while water scarcity has also impacted livestock and destroyed farmland. According to a United Nations report, more than 18 million people are now in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, with food insecurity levels set to increase dramatically during the regular lean season that typically starts in October. This year, the lean season could begin as early as July as provisions are depleted." North Africa is doing fine for now, but most of the rest of the continent is in enormous trouble.

The good news is that we aren’t facing widespread starvation here in the western world. But 42 million Americans are on food stamps, and 1 out of every 7 children is living in poverty. So our problems are growing too.

Unfortunately, the long-term trends that are driving the global food crisis are only going to intensify in the years ahead, and eventually there will be very serious food shortages here in the United States. What will you do when that day finally arrives? We have already reached a point where fast food is considered to be a “luxury” and the prices of many popular food items have more than doubled. Our world is simply not producing enough food for everyone, and global supplies of food are going to get tighter and tighter during the very difficult days that are in front of us."

"How It Really Is"


"The US/UK/NATO May Have Just Crossed Putin's Final Red Line On The Way To WWIII"

"The US/UK/NATO May Have Just Crossed 
Putin's Final Red Line On The Way To WWIII"
By Leo Hohmann

"Russia's nuclear ballistic missile early warning radar network has emerged as a key target of long-range Ukrainian strikes, with three facilities having now been attacked by Kyiv's drones, including two of them in the past week, Newsweek reports. Ukraine drones reportedly made a second hit an advanced radar system of Russia's nuclear early warning system on May 26 and into May 27, then attempted to make a third hit.

The attack upon a second Over-The-Horizon radar inside Russia is an extremely concerning development because it is clearly being done not for Ukraine’s defense, but rather as a NATO strategic move designed to destabilize and degrade the combat command-and-control system of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces. This second drone attack struck an advanced over-the-horizon early warning radar system in the Orsk region of Orenburg, 1,800 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

Russian analysts stress that a new blow from Ukraine should be expected. According to them, the next NATO target is the radar system in the St. Petersburg region. If Kiev hits this particular radar site, then Russia's defense capability in the northern direction will be significantly reduced. Moscow will lose the ability to detect in time the launch of incoming missiles with nuclear warheads, rendering the country unable to react quickly to what is happening.

In short, NATO is trying to create "blind spots" in Russia's early-warning radar, making Russia vulnerable to a Nuclear First-Strike attack by the West. The Russians are becoming sitting ducks. With regard to the NATO attack on Russia's early warning radar, Austrian Army Col. Markus Reisner provided three key analytical point:

- It will have almost no significance for the Ukrainian battlefield.
- It’s likely a US-led attack to degrade Russia's nuclear deterrent.
- This represents a "Boiling the frog" strategy to increase the chances of success with a first-strike against Russia.

From a purely military perspective, this would make sense. The West knows it cannot field an army large enought, short of a highly unpopular mass conscription of both men and women, to take on Russia-China in a conventional war. The only way the West wins a war with China-Russia is to launch a first-strike nuclear attack, decapitating the Russian power centers and nuclear infrastructure before Russia has a chance to strike back. But this is also a highly risky strategy because if Russia suspects that’s the plan, what’s to stop it from beating the West to the punch and launching its own decapitating first strike, taking out Washington, DC, New York, and all of the silos out west that contain intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching Russia?

Brace yourselves, dear readers. The rest of this year and into 2025 could get interesting as it’s becoming clearer by the day that our so-called leaders truly desire a World War III scenario with Russia.

I would say that, before this first-strike on Russia can happen, the warmongers in the West need to provoke some type of drastic attack from Russia, so they can make it look like Russia deserves what it has coming. Putin has thus far shown himself to be highly restrained and avoided stepping into the traps the West has laid for him. But at some point he will almost certainly have to respond to the constant escalations, the biggest and most outrageous of which has Ukraine using Western-supplied weapons to strike deep inside Russia and take out the country’s most critical defensive infrastructure.

It’s interesting how very little is being reported about the upcoming war between NATO and Russia and how NATO is attacking Russia’s missile defense systems which play no role in the Ukraine war. What if Russia starts doing the same thing to the U.S. and/or NATO’s early warning radar systems? According to my online research, NATO has its early warning systems at Thule Air Base, Greenland; Beale Air Force Base, California; Clear Space Force Station, Alaska; Cape Cod Space Force Station, Massachusetts; and Royal Air Force Fylingdales, United Kingdom."

Bill Bonner, "The New Fraud"

"The New Fraud"
Either you decide what to do with your time and money... or someone else decides 
for you. And when others decide, the money tends to go in their direction, not yours.
by Bill Bonner

Dublin, Ireland - "Sad to report, but a ‘new spirit of cooperation’ has descended on Washington... like a toxic smog. Are they cooperating to lower the deficit... balance the budget, bring the troops home and bring the debt under control? Are they coming together to cut off US support for the bloodshed in the Ukraine and Gaza? Are they rallying to a common cause... of peace and prosperity?

Really, dear reader... you disappoint us. Of course, they’re not. They’ve come together, like a pair of desperadoes, making plans to rob a bank - the bank where you keep your money. Yes, Republicans and Democrats... blue and red... are joining forces to make things worse for all of us. David Leonhardt at The New York Times: "A New Centrism Is Rising in Washington." "Call it neopopulism: a bipartisan attitude that mistrusts the free-market ethos instead of embracing it.

In a country that is supposed to have a gridlocked federal government, the past four years are hard to explain. These years have been arguably the most productive period of Washington bipartisanship in decades.

During the Covid pandemic, Democrats and Republicans in Congress came together to pass emergency responses. Under President Biden, bipartisan majorities have passed major laws on infrastructure and semiconductor chips, as well as laws on veterans’ health, gun violence, the Postal Service, the aviation system, same-sex marriage, anti-Asian hate crimes and the electoral process. On trade, the Biden administration has kept some of the Trump administration’s signature policies and even expanded them. The trend has continued over the past month, first with the passage of a bipartisan bill to aid Ukraine and other allies and to force a sale of TikTok by its Chinese owner."

‘The new centrism’ is a fraud. Republicans and Democrats have been conspiring to rip off the public for decades. Lately, they’ve gotten bolder. Poor Leonhardt thinks the two parties collaborate to create a better society... one in which same sex marriage is de rigueur and anti-Asian hate crimes are taboo. But these social norms have nothing to do with capitalism. You can wear your underwear on your head; capitalism doesn’t care.

‘Capitalism’ just describes the infinitely complex and always evolving ways people work together to get what they want. It’s what’s left after the feds interfere. It doesn’t care who you marry or who you hate. Up to you.

Leonhardt rejoices that we now have a Congress that ‘gets things done.’ But the more it does, the less room is left for capitalism to do what it does - produce the goods and services that people actually want.

And there is the real problem. It is an error of commission, not omission. In 1930, the government spent only 4% of GDP. Now, the Federales take 24%. The states take another 12%. And add in the part of the GDP controlled, directed, or subverted by federal and state regulation, and the total easily tops 50%. Capitalism still does what it always does. But it has much less room to do it than it used to.

The fault lies in too much cooperation between Republicans and Democrats - too many laws... too much spending... too much regulation, too many sanctions, too many wars and too much debt.

One of the parties should have been a stick in the mud, quietly resisting... urging caution... preaching humility... and voting ‘no.’ Instead, both vote for more power and wealth for themselves and their friends. Call it what you want, but this has nothing to do with a new, improved form of capitalism. At the end of the day, it all comes down to a simple question: who decides? Either you decide what to do with your time and money... or someone else decides for you. And when others decide, the money tends to go in their direction, not yours.
Click image for larger size.
Source: April 2024 Monthly Statement of the US Treasury
The facts are well known. So far this year, the feds have received $3 trillion in tax revenues. Theoretically, as a voter, you have some say in it. But as a practical matter, what you want hardly matters.

But wait, it’s worse. This fiscal year the feds have already spent almost $4 trillion. And the deficit grows with every one of these vote-buying giveaways that Leonhardt regards as signifying “the most productive period... in decades.” What’s really going on? The politicians buy votes; you pay for them.

At the current rate, the nation is headed for a debt crisis, a depression and a period of sustained inflation - things you probably don’t want, but will be imposed on you by bi-partisan consensus. Dear Readers know all about it already. They are prepared - with gold buried in their backyards... and up-to-date passports in their back pockets. No need to go on. But the more the parties work together... the worse it gets. Gridlock is far better."

"Middle East Crisis 5/28/24"

Full screen recommended.
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 5/28/24
"Col. Douglas Macgregor: Escalation at Israel’s Borders"
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Times Of India, 5/28/24
"Saudi Arabia's MBS Shocks Israel, 
Embraces Staunch Enemy Of Tel Aviv & Netanyahu"
Saudi Arabia has for the first time appointed its ambassador to Damascus in over a decade following the thaw in ties since 2023. The appointment comes at a time when Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is attempting to repair ties with regional rival Iran - a close ally of Syria and also Russia.
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OpenmindedThinker Show, 5/28/24
"8 More European Nations Abandon Israel After Rafah Massacre;
 Netanyahu Loses Europe!"
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Full screen recommended.
Tech Show, 5/28/24
"Iranan Just Blamed Israel For The Death Of Their 
President After He Died In A Helicopter Crash!"
In this video, we look at the new and shocking incident in which Iran blames Israel for the untimely death of its President, Ebrahim Raisi. The Iranian leader died in a sudden and deadly helicopter accident, a tragic incident that shocked the country and the entire community. We investigate the facts surrounding the incident, the instant reactions of Iranian officials, and the strong accusations levelled against Israel.

The video presents a full study of the incident's geopolitical consequences, taking into account Iran and Israel's already hostile relations. We examine the historical backdrop of Iran's hatred as well as the current condition of Middle Eastern politics to determine the likely motivations for its charges. In addition, we examine the global response to President Raisi's death, as well as the potential implications for international relations and regional stability.

Our experts discuss the impact of President Ebrahim Raisi's death on Iran's political landscape, including who might succeed him and how this may affect Iran's internal and foreign policies. The video also shows the investigation into the helicopter crash, which sheds light on the ongoing efforts to determine the reason and any potential foul play. Join us as we deconstruct this difficult and delicate issue, presenting you with the most recent developments and in-depth analysis of this unfortunate incident.
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Stipendium peccati mors est, Israel... So be it!

Dan, I Allegedly, "The Death of the Dollar Store"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, 5/28/24
"The Death of the Dollar Store"
We are seeing the demise of discount retail stores. We have just witnessed 
the death of the dollar store. Now we are seeing dollar tree have five dollar items.
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Jim Kunstler, "Saving our Democracy This Memorial Day"

"Saving our Democracy This Memorial Day"
by Jim Kunstler

“We must stop Donald Trump.”
- President “Joe Biden”
"Surely it was the right thing to do for President “Joe Biden” to remind the nation of the tragic loss of George Floyd four years ago this Memorial Day weekend. At the time, the man known as “the Black Thomas Edison” was rumored to be this close to achieving an economically viable system for producing electricity via atomic fusion using the fentanyl molecule (C22H28N2O) combined with the nuclei of alcohol (C2H6O), releasing enough energy from one gram to power a city the size of Minneapolis for a day. The math he left behind on his chalkboard spells it out:

17.6 MeV×1.60218×10?13 J/MeV?2.82×10?12 J

You see how that works? Alas, Dr. Floyd had apparently ingested a small amount of these experimental substances accidently before leaving his lab May 25, 2020, when he encountered the white supremacist police officer Derek Chauvin outside a Cup Foods convenience store in Minneapolis’s “Powderhorn” neighborhood. For reasons never understood, despite manifold judicial inquiries, the officer dragged the Great Man out of his car - where he was polishing some of the requisite algebra in his notebook - and for no reason at all placed one knee, and all his weight, on Dr. Floyd’s neck, constricting his airway and causing his death. The nation erupted in violence, and you know the rest of the story: no cheap energy for you, you nation of white supremacist asswipes!

And so it has gone since that fateful day: one darn thing after another. Luckily though - and with a little help from Mark Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) - the vigilant “Joe Biden” presides in the White House, keeping America safe for democracy, by democracy, and of democracy. The country has never experienced so much democracy. The Brookings Institution even warns that the country might be close to a democracy overload, in which the popular will is so immense that everyone in all fifty states thinks the same morally correct thoughts all day long without giving offense or making any space unsafe or dis-including any diverse category of human (except white supremacists) from his, her, or they’s share of the nation’s limitless wealth.

“Joe Biden” has been especially effective at containing the Grand Golem of all white supremacists, Trump, from deconstructing our utopian democracy. This Trump uttered perfidious misinformation that the 2020 election was less than fair and upright. He is under indictment in Fulton County, GA, for conspiring to transmit this incorrect thinking to other white supremacists and creating an unsafe space for GA Sec’y of State Brad Raffensperger by asking him to “find” additional votes. What log was Bradraff supposed to look under, anyway (ha ha!)?

The case is being guided by Fulton County DA, the indomitable Fani Willis, at least for now, as she awaits a process known as getting the bidness from a white supremacist so-called ethics committee in the Georgia State Senate, where she has been falsely accused of mis-spending state money on vacations with erstwhile special prosecutor Nathan Wade. These trips were, of course, fact-finding efforts. One fact found is that the white supremacist cruise ship directors attempt to kill black people by luring them into all-you-can-eat buffets at sea, from which escape is impossible.

“Joe Biden” also got Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint Lawfare paladin Jack Smith to prosecute this nefarious Trump in the most upright of all federal court districts, Washington, DC, for instigating what “Joe Biden” recently called an “erection” against our democracy. Trump, you see, told a gigantic mob of white supremacists to penetrate our nation’s capitol building so as to obstruct certification of the 2020 electoral vote and murder then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, if possible, along with all congresspersons of color. Legal experts at MSNBC, Andrew Weissmann (of the Mueller Special Counsel office) and Andy McCabe (former Deputy Director of the FBI), have already found this Trump guilty, and they know about these matters better than anybody, so the trial under Judge Tanya Chutkan may be unnecessary.

Things are not going quite so well for SC Smith in the Martin County Federal Court of Judge Aileen Cannon, where this Trump stands accused of fobbing off with classified government documents, claiming some fabricated sort of presidential privilege - unlike “Joe Biden” who got his classified docs before he was president and therefore does not have to claim any such privilege (and was understandably “forgetful” when asked about the docs by the other SC Robert Hur). In any case, AG Garland can always dispatch an FBI SWAT team to Judge Cannon’s home to spur an attitude adjustment on the bench, if required.

Hopes really rest, though, on the current case against the Grand Golem Trump in Judge Juan Merchan’s Manhattan courtroom, where the most supreme of all white supremacists stands accused of book-keeping irregularities in furtherance of federal crimes so unspeakable that they have never actually been spoken. The case, engineered by veteran DC Golem hunters Mary McCord, Norm Eisen, Lisa Monaco, and Matthew Colangelo, fronted by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, goes to the jury after final arguments this week.

Judge Merchan is expected to instruct the jury to vote guilty because no other conclusion is possible. Thus, Judge Merchan will be celebrated far and wide for saving our democracy. But that’s not all. After the most excellent verdict of guilty X-23-Plus, he will have the pleasure of sentencing this Trump to life in the Rikers Island prison complex, where it will be difficult for the Grand Golem to organize any white supremacist activities and will be relegated to a diet of baloney sandwiches for the duration of his term.

The only downside for this scenario is that Trump might get elected President of the USA despite conviction, and on January 20, 2025, commence operations to put “Joe Biden” and all the others in his train of officials in jail for the rest of their natural lives. You have to wonder if they were thinking about that this holiday weekend."

MUST VIEW! "Israel's Rafah Massacre: They Think They Can Get Away With Anything"

Full screen recommended.
Owen Jones, 5/27/24
"Israel's Rafah Massacre: 
They Think They Can Get Away With Anything"
"Israel is behaving like this because it knows its Western 
protectors will let it get away with everything and anything."
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Full screen recommended.
Times Of India, 5/28/24
"'Only Corpses Will Return': 
Hamas' Ultimatum For Netanyahu After Israel's Rafah Assault"
Hamas has issued the most dangerous threat to Benjamin Netanyahu's government. The threat comes after 45 Palestinians were burnt to death in the city of Rafah. Hamas told Israel that all its captives might return as corpses if this massacre continues. Hamas officials accused the Israeli Army of killing its own citizens held in the Gaza Strip.
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Monday, May 27, 2024

"Putin’s Nuclear Warning To Blinken & NATO Is No Bluff - Scott Ritter"

Danny Haiphong, 5/27/24
"Putin’s Nuclear Warning to Blinken & 
NATO is No Bluff - Scott Ritter"
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Full screen recommended.
Redacted, 5/27/24
"NATO Is Making a Deadly Mistake And WW3
 Will Look Unlike Anything We've Ever Seen" 
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"10 Food Items You Should Be Adding To Your Pantry Right Now!"

Adventures With Danno, 5/27/24
"10 Food Items You Should Be Adding
 To Your Pantry Right Now!"
10 food items that we are expecting a massive shortage of in 2024. These items are
 continuing to disappear on store shelves as well, making the prices very unaffordable!
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Jeremiah Babe, "Wake Up, The Collapse Is In Progress Right Now

Jeremiah Babe, 5/27/28
"Wake Up, The Collapse Is In Progress Right Now
Institutions Are Crumbling All Around You"
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"15 Fast Food Chains Being Financially Eviscerated In 2024"

Full screen recommended.
Epic Economist, 5/27/24
"15 Fast Food Chains Being 
Financially Eviscerated In 2024"

"Managing a restaurant is not an easy job. Managing hundreds of restaurants can be even more challenging. Amid inflationary pressures and changing consumer preferences, some of the biggest fast food chains in America are struggling to stay afloat. Many are being forced to shut down dozens of restaurants as consumers become more price-sensitive. Others are doing everything they can to survive in this highly competitive environment.

Industry experts say this trend is expected to accelerate as consumer spending continues to slow down. They are telling the public to buckle up because 2024 could see several familiar names disappear from the dining landscape. Is your go-to spot on the line? You will probably find out at the end of this video."
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1.Kona Grill 2.Starbucks 3.KFC 4.McDonald's 5.Sizzler 6.Red Lobster 7.Steak 'n Shake 8.Outback Steakhouse 9.Buffalo Wild Wings 10.Popeyes 11. Joe's Crab Shack 12.Quiznos 13.Fuddrucker's 14.Corner Bakery 15.Old Country Buffet

Musical Interlude: 2002, “Where The Stars And Moon Play”

Full screen recommended.
2002, “Where The Stars And Moon Play”
“Pamela and Randy Copus are the duo known as 2002. Randy Copus plays piano, electric cello, guitar, bass and keyboards. Pamela Copus plays flutes, harp, keyboards and a wind instrument called a WX5. Both musicians also provide all of the vocals on their albums, recording their voices many, many times and layering them to create a "virtual choir" with a celestial, angelic quality.”

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Also known as the Cigar Galaxy for its elongated visual appearance, M82 is a starburst galaxy with a superwind. In fact, through ensuing supernova explosions and powerful winds from massive stars, the burst of star formation in M82 is driving the prodigious outflow of material. Evidence for the superwind from the galaxy’s central regions is clear in this sharp composite image, based on data from small telescopes on planet Earth.
The composite highlights emission from filaments of atomic hydrogen gas in reddish hues. The filaments extend for over 10,000 light-years. Some of the gas in the superwind, enriched in heavy elements forged in the massive stars, will eventually escape into intergalactic space. Triggered by a close encounter with nearby large galaxy M81, the furious burst of star formation in M82 should last about 100 million years or so. M82 is 12 million light-years distant, near the northern boundary of Ursa Major.”

John Wilder, "Memorial Day, 2024"

AA gun at Corregidor
"Memorial Day, 2024"
by John Wilder

“If words cannot repay the debt we owe these men, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and to final sacrifice.”
- Ronald Reagan

This was originally written in 2023. It says what I want to say in 2024.

"Last year when The Mrs. was putting flowers on the graves of her relatives, my job was to drive the car while she located the locations. It was her first year when she actively did that for all of her relatives. Her mother had done that previously, but since my mother-in-law passed, that duty of remembering the family had fallen to The Mrs.

I saw one gravesite in particular, and I decided to research it. It stuck out, because it was the grave of a United States Army officer who died in May of 1942. I was curious. Thankfully, there was at least some information about this officer online. He had been born elsewhere, but went to high school here in Modern Mayberry. His particulars weren’t all that unusual for a young man in the 1930s: he loved baseball, he graduated, went to college, got a degree, got a job, and got married.

While in college, he was in ROTC, so he graduated as a 1st Lieutenant in the Army Reserve. I think even in the mid-1930s people could see the writing on the wall that there was the real possibility of war, so I imagine a core group of people with officer training was just what they wanted on the shelf.

His life was, I imagine, the same as millions of lives in that quasi-Depressionary era. He and his wife welcomed a baby into the world 1940, but by early 1941 the young officer had been drafted back into the Army. He was sent, half a world away, to Manila. I’m sure he told his wife as they shipped him off that his job, thankfully, was to be in the rear with the gear. It would be other people that would really be in the crosshairs of the enemy. Besides, it would be crazy of the Japanese to make a strike at Manilla. That would mean war!

He was at the airfield in Manilla on December 8, 1941, when the Japanese attacked. The planes he was supposed to serve hadn’t arrived. The troops that were supposed to protect the airfield hadn’t arrived. Yet his Company had. On Christmas Eve, 1941, his group was given the task of demolishing the airstrip and leaving nothing the Japanese could make use of. This is generally not a good sign.

Then, every man in his Company was given a rifle and told they were now members of the Provisional Air Corps Infantry. This is an even worse sign.

Our young officer and his troops were then ordered to join the defense of Bataan. Bataan is a peninsula that forms the northern part of the entrance to Manila Harbor. To really control Manila and use it as a base, you have to control Bataan. The original allied plans had called for falling back to Bataan and holding out, but MacArthur had thought that defeatist, and planned on a more active defense.

When the Japanese attacked, there weren’t enough supplies for MacArthur’s plan, so they fell back to Bataan, where there also weren’t enough supplies for the defense of Bataan because they stopped shipping those because MacArthur had changed his mind.

The Japanese general who would later be fired because it took him too long to defeat the combined American-Filipino army at Bataan also noted that the Americans had numerical superiority, and in his opinion, could have retaken Manila. I’m not sure that going through this exercise made me think more highly of MacArthur...

If you’re not familiar with the Battle of Bataan, it took over three months, and ended up the largest U.S. Army surrender since the Civil War. Over 76,000 troops were captured. To my knowledge, there is no written record of the Provisional Air Corps Infantry during the Battle of Bataan, though there is a record that on March 4, the 1st Lieutenant was promoted to Captain, just before MacArthur high-tailed it out of the Philippines to safety in Australia.

The troops at Bataan were officially surrendered on April 9, 1942. But in this case, the Provisional Air Corps Infantry was not part of the surrender, and was ordered to the island of Corregidor. Over 20% of the men of the Company had already been lost.

Corregidor was an island that resembled a battleship – at the time of the Japanese invasion, it was bristling with coastal defense guns, mortars, anti-aircraft guns, and minefields. Now that Bataan was taken, the last thing required to control Manilla Bay was that the island forts fall. Corregidor was, by far, the biggest of these.

The Navy ran the guns, but the defense of the beach was the responsibility of the 4th Marine Regiment, along with a ragtag group of other orphan units, including at least one Company from the Provisional Air Corps Infantry and a young Captain from Modern Mayberry, who were sent into the foxholes with the Marines to guard the beaches since they had combat experience from Bataan.

Sometime in early May, the young Captain was in one of those foxholes with several Marines, and a Japanese artillery shell hit, killing them all. Even the very date this happened isn’t clear, and his family wouldn’t even hear of his death until a year later.

I don’t know what this young officer from Modern Mayberry did during his time in battle on Bataan and Corregidor – it’s nearly certain that no one alive does. His wife later remarried, half a decade after finding out her husband was dead. His son still bears the name of a father he never knew, if he’s still living.

There is a white cross in a field in Manilla, surrounded by green grass that is regularly cut, where it is said, his body lies. The marker here in Modern Mayberry is only for remembrance, to let people like me know he lived.

And, I saw it, and learned his story, and every year around this time, I tell a few people from Modern Mayberry who haven’t heard about him. The Mrs. plans to put some flowers out for him, but even if she doesn’t, I’ll spend some time thinking about him."

Bill Bonner, "Revelation"

"Death on a Pale Horse" by Benjamin West
by Bill Bonner

Dublin, Ireland - "Today is Memorial Day in America. It’s a holiday established during the Civil War to honor those who have died in military service to their country. We’ve written an entire book honoring The Idea of America. But today, we’ll leave that idea aside.

For the benefit of new readers, and ourselves, we reveal our creed…as succinctly as possible. There are dots to connect, between politics and markets. And while our beat is money, we live in a political age. We can’t ignore it.

The best we can do is try and see the big picture. That’s what we do in this musings every day at Bonner Private Research. And then, behind the curtain, for our paying subscribers, we try to give them the specific investment advice they need, first to avoid ‘The Big Loss’ and second, to make a respectable profit (more on that later from Dan).

Hidden Patterns: We believe there are patterns to just about everything. There is a deep and powerful Gulf Stream, for example; it takes warm water from the Gulf of Mexico, carries it across the North Atlantic, and makes Northern Europe habitable. But looking only at the surface waves, you wouldn’t see it.

Likewise, you can’t tell much from the day-to-day market action. But there are still hidden trends. The most important of them is what we call the Primary Trend. It marks the basic direction of prices, often for many decades.

We also think that stories have ‘morals’ – lessons, distilled from generations of experience – that are found in popular sayings, novels, the Bible, and “old wives’ tales.” Rarely are they revealed by economic theory or financial analysis.

Wealth is created by people who produce goods and services for each other. Anything the government does to interfere with this commerce reduces the total material satisfaction of the public. But wait! We recognize that material satisfaction – as in, having more wealth – is not the only motivation driving humans. Sometimes, they seem to want nothing more than to make damn fools of themselves. (The Salem Witch Trials, Napoleon’s March on Moscow, WWI, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, War on Terror etc.)

From an economic perspective, government is fundamentally a win-lose, coercive enterprise. Its many rules, regulations, taxes, debt, spending, and unnecessary wars reduce the output of goods and services that we regard as ‘prosperity.’ That’s why dynamic, productive capitalism and Big Government are largely incompatible. It takes a small government to produce big economic gains.

Curiously, government also tends to exaggerate the Primary Trend – though not intentionally. It manipulates interest rates down, for example, and makes the upswing of asset prices more powerful than ever (1980-2021). And/or it hampers needed market adjustments, thereby making the downswing worse (the Great Depression.)

The Knowledge Problem: A fundamental part of our analysis is that the world of money doesn’t work the way you think it does. The Fed cannot actually know what interest rates America needs, for example. Nor can it know what ‘full employment’ or ‘full capacity’ for the US economy is. We also think that Wall Street seriously and episodically misprices assets as investors get caught up in fads and the ‘madness of crowds.’

We further believe that the switch to a gold-free dollar in 1971 was a mistake. It made it much easier to diddle the value of the world’s reserve currency and thereby allowed and promoted large distortions throughout the global financial system. Today, for example, great swings in stock prices occur following comments by Fed officials, even though they are unlikely to affect the real value of the underlying companies.

In short, most of what you hear from economists, Wall Street or the government is likely to be BS. And generally, the more economists, Big Banks, or politicians are involved, the less productive the economy. For example, the Soviet Union had so much government control that its economy was extremely inefficient, causing its elite to abandon it entirely.

Get the Big Trend Right: The trick to successful wealth-building is to get on the right side of the major trend…and stay there. This has been the basis for each Trade of the Decade we’ve made since 2000. It’s worked each time. And in fact it’s working now, as we’re ‘long’ oil and gas and, essentially ‘short’ the US dollar, the ‘Net Zero’ crowd, and the whole idea of ‘The Energy Transition.’

For investors, every study shows that asset allocation (being in the right place at the right time) is more effective than specific investment selection. It could be stocks for one decade. Bonds the next. Or, cash, gold, and commodities. Getting the mix right has a much larger impact on your portfolio results than a single stock selection. That’s why, when we set up shop in 2021, our first report to readers was on what this mix should be. We’ve been reviewing and updating for our readers every month since.

What the Primary Trend says Now: The place to be for the last Primary Trend was in the US stock market. The Dow rose from under 1,000 in 1980 to over 36,000 in 2021. That Primary Trend came to an end as two tops were hit. First, bond prices topped out in July 2020 with the US benchmark 10-year note yielding 0.59% (bond prices vary inversely with yields.)

Then, in December 2021, when US stocks hit a high of 36,388, the ‘top was in,’ as they say on Wall Street. Note that while the Dow has subsequently gone up, it has still not surpassed its high – in real, inflation-adjusted terms. Nor has it gone up when priced in gold, which is how we prefer to measure our gains. Gold doesn’t lie.
If we are right about the new Primary Trend, the simplest thing for an investor to do now is simply take cover. We are in “maximum safety mode” – emphasizing cash and gold over stocks and bonds.

Most of our subscribers are over 55 years old. At that age, losing money is a bigger threat than failing to make more of it. A younger person may take a loss, learn from it, and then recover the money…and more. But over 55, it becomes more and more difficult. You just don’t have the time to recoup a major loss. So, our program is designed primarily to avoid the Big Loss while still participating, safely and prudently, in market gains. In short, we buy stocks when they are cheap. We sell them when they are expensive.

Using the Dow/Gold Ratio:

How do you know when stocks are too cheap or too expensive? We use a very simple model based on gold. Ultimately, gold has proven the safest, surest way to inventory wealth over the last 3,000 years. So, we look to the price of stocks – in gold terms – to tell when they are really cheap or expensive. And since we never know for sure, we allow for a generous ‘margin of error’ to keep us from taking the “big loss.”

Briefly, when you can buy the entire 30 Dow stocks for 5 ounces of gold, or less, it is time sell gold and buy stocks. When the price goes over 15 ounces of gold, it is time to go in the opposite direction; sell stocks and buy gold. Currently, with the Dow/gold ratio at about 17, our recommendation is to keep the bulk of your wealth in cash or gold, while holding only a few stocks that you believe are fairly priced. We’ll stick with that position until the ratio falls to 5 or below.

The last Primary Trend was set in motion when Paul Volcker quashed inflation and saved the post-1971 money system. Thereafter, the feds amplified and extended the trend by dropping interest rates too low and keeping them there – below zero, inflation-adjusted – for far too long.
Our intuition tells us that they will amplify the current Primary Trend too – towards lower asset prices and higher inflation and interest rates – by running large budget deficits, involving the US in unnecessary wars, undermining the US dollar with sanctions and seizures, and draining more and more capital out of real investment and squandering it on government boondoggles.

The point will come soon enough, however, when rising interest rates trigger a panic flight from the bond market, driving up the government’s cost of borrowed funds to impossible levels. That is when the ‘inflate or die’ trap snaps shut. Then, the government will be forced to choose: either ‘print’ more money or let the debt-drenched bubble economy die.

A Mountain of Debt: The effect of the government’s ultra-low interest rate policy prior to 2022 was to create a mountain of debt. Worldwide, that debt has reached beyond $300 trillion. US government debt alone is nearly $35 trillion, while total US debt – government, business and household – now approaches $100 trillion, or nearly 4 times GDP.

This is more debt than can be carried or managed in a high interest rate environment. Paul Volcker pushed the fed funds rate to 20% to stifle inflation in the 1970s. That is no longer possible. Even a 10% rate would fall upon the financial markets like a hammer on an egg.

But the government has only two choices. Inflate or Die. Either it continues to inflate (with low real rates and high deficits). Or, it radically cuts spending – triggering major bankruptcies, defaults and a depression…effectively killing the bubble economy that its ultra-low rates created.

What Next? We think we know which direction it will go. You see, great empires follow patterns too. They rise. They fall. Every one of them. In 1992, the US had the chance of a lifetime. The Soviet Union disbanded. Oligarchs took over and began selling raw materials, in bulk, at low prices. The Chinese, meanwhile, had already decided to take the ‘capitalist road.’ By the 1990s, they were lowering costs on finished products.

Its enemies out of the way…its consumer costs falling…the US could have cut it's military budget (a ‘peace dividend’) and used the money to shore up its domestic industries and infrastructure.

Instead, it invaded Iraq. And went to war in Afghanistan. And then, supported wars in the Ukraine and Gaza. Its military budget exploded to the upside. Its reputation slid to the downside. And its debt soared – adding $25 trillion, so far, in the 21st century.

We believe this failure will prove fatal to the empire. It will exaggerate the now-in-motion Primary Trend and send asset prices to shockingly low levels (in real terms.) This financial failure, combined with the social and political chaos it brings, risks creating a major debacle. With elections in both the UK and the US coming up, you might think things will change. Unlikely.

Instead, we advise you to buckle up. Get on the right side of the Primary Trend. Learn to look at market prices in real terms, not fake terms. And surround yourself with friends who will see the world for what it is...and figure out how to navigate it together. Stay tuned."

The Daily "Near You?"

Collinsville, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Quantitative Brainwashing"

"Quantitative Brainwashing"
by Jeff Thomas

"We’re all familiar with the term, "quantitative easing." It’s described as meaning, "A monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply." Well, that sounds reasonable… even beneficial. But, unfortunately, that’s not really the whole story.

When QE was implemented, the purchasing power was weak and both government and personal debt had become so great that further borrowing would not solve the problem; it would only postpone it and, in the end, exacerbate it. Effectively, QE is not a solution to an economic problem, it’s a bonus of epic proportions, given to banks by governments, at the expense of the taxpayer.

But, of course, we shouldn’t be surprised that governments have passed off a massive redistribution of wealth from the taxpayer to their pals in the banking sector with such clever terms. Governments of today have become extremely adept at creating euphemisms for their misdeeds in order to pull the wool over the eyes of the populace. At this point, we cannot turn on the daily news without being fed a full meal of carefully- worded mumbo jumbo, designed to further overwhelm whatever small voices of truth may be out there.

Let’s put this in perspective for a moment. For millennia, political leaders have been in the practice of altering, confusing and even obliterating the truth, when possible. And it’s probably safe to say that, for as long as there have been media, there have been political leaders doing their best to control them.

During times of war, political leaders have serially restricted the media from simply telling the truth. During the American civil war, President Lincoln shut down some 300 newspapers and arrested some 14,000 journalists who had the audacity to contradict his statements to the public. As extreme as that may sound, this practice has been more the rule in history than the exception.

In most countries, in most eras, some publications go against the official story line and may very well pay a price for doing so. But, other publications go along with the official story line to a greater or lesser degree and are often rewarded for doing so. It should come as no surprise, then, that media outlets often come to report the news in a less than accurate manner. Mark Twain is claimed to have said, "If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed." Quite so.

Still, only fifty years ago, much of the then "Free World" enjoyed a relatively objective Press. Even on television, reporters such as Walter Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, etc. presented the news in a bland manner. It wasn’t very exciting, but at least it was relatively balanced and, to this day, most people who were around then still have no idea as to whether reporters like Walter Cronkite were liberal or conservative. Although he was a committed Democrat, he never allowed that to significantly color his reporting.

But today, we have a very different corporate structure as regards the media. The same six corporations hold the controlling interest of over 80% of the media. And those same corporations also own a controlling interest in the military industrial complex, Wall Street, the major banks, Big Pharma, etc. What we’re witnessing today is media having been transformed into something more akin to a three-ring circus than journalism of old. This is no accident. The present travesty that is the 21st century media, is journalism in name only.

So, why should this be so? Well, as it happens, people tend not to like governments dominating their lives – simple as that. And yet, the primary objective of any government is to increase its size and power as rapidly as the populace will tolerate it. The only reason that they rarely do this quickly, is that they can’t get away with it. Like boiling a frog, it takes time to lull the populace into submission, bit by bit.

Once having had enough time to do so, there comes a point at which the government becomes woefully top-heavy, as well as unworkably autocratic. At such times, all that’s necessary to make people rebel is an economic crisis. Such is the case in much of the world today – the EU, the US, Canada, etc.. Even in their arrogance, the powers that be have to be aware that they’re right at the tipping point. An economic crisis would almost certainly push the situation over the edge.

When truth threatens to undermine machinations for self-aggrandizement, individuals tend to obfuscate in order to delay the inevitable fallout. Governments are no different. So it was that, in 1999, the largest banks entered into a massive lending scam that would most certainly collapse within a decade. However, before putting the scam in place, they arranged for a "bailout" by the government, which would effectively pass the bill to the taxpayer, while the banks themselves simply increased their own wealth massively.

Of course, QE, as massive as it was, was a mere Band-Aid solution. All those involved (big business and the government) understood that it would hang like a sword of Damocles over the economy until it inevitably came crashing down – a fate far worse than if QE had never been implemented.

And so, for those entities to have invested into the domination of the media was, in fact, essential. Had they not done so, it’s entirely likely that, with a free press, the man on the street would, by now, have figured out that he’d been hoodwinked. Thus do we see the journalistic equivalent of Quantitative Brainwashing, in which the inevitable realization is delayed for as long as possible. And, in order to make sure that the public do not figure out what’s been done to them, the news reporting becomes Orwellian in its endless repetition of a false narrative.

It is, however, true that, "You can’t fool all of the people all of the time." Eventually, the Band-Aid peels back to reveal an infection that’s far beyond what had been generally perceived. It then falls away in layers, as increasing numbers of people become aware that they’ve been scammed – that the media is entirely corrupt and that the media’s owners – big business - have, with the enthusiastic compliance of the government, robbed them on a wholesale basis. Historically, that’s when the jig is up. What happens then is a matter of historic record."

Dan, I Allegedly, "They Keep Losing Money"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, 5/27/24
"They Keep Losing Money"
"The mortgage industry is losing money handover fist. Plus, there are a lot of people 
still in forbearance, and commercial real estate is a week away from the crash starting."
Comments here:

"Our Alaric Moment"

"Our Alaric Moment"
by The ZMan

"If you were living in the Western Roman Empire in the fourth century you probably knew that things were not going well. This assumes that you were prosperous enough to have time to think about these things. You could see that the infrastructure was failing and that the empire was struggling to maintain order. On the other hand, the decline had been happening for a long time so things may have seemed normal. Without some way to compare the present to the past, you only have instinct.

Today we have mountains of facts and figures to tell us how things are doing in the Global American Empire. There was a time not so long ago when these facts and figures made up the bulk of news coverage. Economists became court wizards, explaining the latest unemployment figures or trade numbers. They were also called upon to bless whatever polices were being debated in Congress. In the Obama years, economic data was the way we measured the glories of the empire.

That has all changed now. One reason is no one in their right mind takes anything the government says at face value. People had grown used to the way the media biased the numbers depending upon who was in office, but the mortgage crisis cratered the public’s confidence in the numbers themselves. If all of the court wizards explaining the numbers could not see the mortgage fiasco coming, then why should anyone believe them about unemployment or inflation?

Then you have the general lying that has become a feature of government. The lying about Covid not only disgraced the medical profession, but it finished off whatever trust people had in the official numbers. If the government lies about how many people are dying from Covid just to move more product for the drug makers, the government will lie about how many people are working or the inflation numbers. No one trusts the numbers because no one trusts the people issuing the numbers.

The point here is we cannot trust the numbers if the numbers have no relationship to anything we have experienced. When the end of the world has the same numbers as what most consider to be a golden era for the empire, those numbers cease to have any meaning to us. Throw in the fact that most people do not feel like they are richer than their ancestors and those inflated stock figures carry even less weight. We are left to rely on our instincts to judge things.

Of course, our sense of things, that gut feeling, is the result of a many small things that we experience every day. Three-quarters of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction because they go to the grocery store every week. They see that despite the crowing about inflation coming down lies, food remains expensive. They see every day that gives people a sense of things.

Think about something simple like a pint of premium ice cream. A few years ago, a pint was sixteen ounces. “A pint is a pint the world around” was true from peak of the British empire until just a few years ago. Now a pint is fourteen ounces. The price for the new pint is not the same as the old pint. The price is more than the old pint. A few years ago, the old pint of ice cream was five dollars. That is about 31¢ per ounce. Today the new pint is over seven dollars or 51¢ per ounce.

That is a seventy percent change in the price. This is one example and probably not a representative one, given that butterfat prices drive dairy prices. Even so, this is something people see all over the marketplace. Shrinkflation is a word because it is a thing that exists. People notice that the containers are getting smaller, or they are getting less full in the case of things like snacks. Meanwhile, prices go up. This subtly tells people that something is going wrong.

This is probably why we are no longer getting a parade of court wizards analyzing the latest economic numbers. According to the numbers, Joe Biden should be dozing into reelection with an insurmountable lead, as his court wizards flood the airwaves with the good news about the economy. Instead, no one talks about the numbers and Biden is as popular as rectal cancer. It is possible he could lose the election to a man sitting in prison or be deposed by the secret police.

This brings us back to where we started. There were those in the Roman Empire who sensed the true state of affairs. No doubt some of them lived and died expecting things to fall apart, only to stagger on long past their time. Then there were others who internalized this reality and just accepted that no matter how grim things might appear, the empire was a permanent feature of life. The people probably just tried to make the best of things, even as they noticed the decline.

All of that changed on August 24, 410 AD when Alaric led the Visigoths into the eternal city, sacking Rome and setting off the collapse of the Western empire. The empire staggered on for a bit longer, but it was over at that point. All of those bad signs people had sensed probably seemed obvious in retrospect. Even so, the sack of Rome by the Visigoths was a shock to the world. The signs seemed obvious, but people still thought that the imperial order was permanent.

This is most likely the fate of the American empire. There are lots of signs that things are going poorly for the empire. Getting whipped by a collection of bronze age goatherds in the graveyard of empires should have been a wakeup call, but the empire is now picking fights with Russia and China. Meanwhile things deteriorate domestically, both economically and culturally. Yet, we stagger on, but somewhere out there is an Alaric moment just waiting to happen."

"How It Really Is"